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Google Maps API-带有控件的灰色地图

[英]Google Maps API - Grey Map With Controls

I've looked over the other questions/answers that might have pertained to my issue, and none seemed to answer it. 我查看了可能与我的问题有关的其他问题/答案,但似乎都没有答案。

Problem: When loading & placing a marker, the map appears to "freeze," goes grey, but still shows controls. 问题:加载和放置标记时,地图似乎“冻结”,变为灰色,但仍显示控件。 The marker loads in the upper left corner of the map. 标记加载到地图的左上角。

While I can't provide a fiddle of this, temporarily the malfunction can be observed (link removed). 尽管我对此无能为力,但可以暂时观察到故障(链接已删除)。 Click on "Path One" (in the top menu, after the map has initially loaded) and you'll see the behavior. 单击“路径一”(在地图最初加载后,在顶部菜单中),您将看到该行为。 To see the proper behavior, go (link removed), then click on "Path Two." 要查看正确的行为,请转到(删除链接),然后单击“路径二”。 I have to change over to what I'm doing for Path One due to pending application function changes. 由于未决的应用程序功能更改,我必须切换到我正在为路径一做的事情。

I'm not sure this relates to the async GET calls to fetch the data for the map or not (I'm not making any claims to be a Javascript expert by any stretch). 我不确定这是否与获取地图数据的异步GET调用有关(我丝毫没有声称自己是Java语言专家)。

Any help appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

Thanks! 谢谢!

poemmap.js: poemmap.js:

// contains the currently plotted markers
var myMarkers = Array();
// contains the path data
var myPath = Array();
// holds the poem text
var poemHTML = "";
// the map canvas
var map;
//var src = 'geodata/Westbury.kml';
//var src = 'geodata/poems1.kml';

// the current poem index (zero-based)
var currentPoem;

function initialize() {
    var mapCanvas = document.getElementById('poemMap');
    var mapOptions = {
        center: new google.maps.LatLng(51.258476, -2.184906),
        zoom: 10,
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID
    map = new google.maps.Map(mapCanvas, mapOptions);
    //loadKmlLayer(src, map);

/*function loadKmlLayer(src, map) {
    var kmlLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(src, {
      suppressInfoWindows: true,
      preserveViewport: false,
      map: map
    google.maps.event.addListener(kmlLayer, 'click', function(event) {
      var content = event.featureData.infoWindowHtml;
      //var poem = document.getElementById('thePoem');
      //poem.innerHTML = content;
      $.get(content).success(function(data) {

function shufflePath() {
  var currentIndex = myPath.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;

  // While there remain elements to shuffle...
  while (0 !== currentIndex) {

    // Pick a remaining element...
    randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
    currentIndex -= 1;

    // And swap it with the current element.
    temporaryValue = myPath[currentIndex];
    myPath[currentIndex] = myPath[randomIndex];
    myPath[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;

function fetchPathPoemData(thePath) {
    // define the start id and the ending 
    // id for the specific path
    var start = 0;
    var end = 1;
    // temporary data structure to contain 
    // the XML data from the file
    var tempPath;

    switch (thePath) {
        case 1: start = 1; end = 16; break;
        case 2: start = 17; end = 36; break;
        case 3: start = 37; end = 53; break;
        case 4: start = 54; end = 75; break;
        case 5: start = 1; end =75; break;

    // read in the XML file that contains the basic poem data
        type: "GET",
        url: "geodata/poems.xml",
        dataType: "xml",
        contentType: "text/xml",
        async: true,
        error: function(xhr, statusText) { alert("Error: "+statusText + "\n\n" + xhr.responseText); },
        success: function(data){ 
            parsePoemXML(data, start, end);
            if (thePath == 5) {
                // shuffle the data
            loadMap(0, 1);

function parsePoemXML(data, start, end) {
        var $poem = $(this); 
        var id = $poem.attr("id");
        var path = $poem.attr("path");
        var longitude = $poem.find("longitude").text();
        var latitude = $poem.find("latitude").text();
        var title = $poem.find("title").text();
        var file = $poem.find("file").text();
        var tempPath = new Array();
        tempPath.id = id;
        tempPath.path = path;
        tempPath.longitude = longitude;
        tempPath.latitude = latitude;
        tempPath.title = title;
        tempPath.file = file;
        if (id >= start && id <= end) {

function initPoemPathArray(whichPath) {
    // clear the myPath array
    myPath.length = 0;
    // load in the data

function loadMap(poemIndex, thePath) {
    var marker;
    var bAdd = true;
    var finalCoords;

    var lat = myPath[poemIndex].latitude;
    var lng = myPath[poemIndex].longitude;
    var sTitle = myPath[poemIndex].title;
    var sPoem = myPath[poemIndex].file;

    // zoom out

    setTimeout(function() {

        // check to see if marker exists
        // if not, add it, otherwise
        // just get the coords

        for( i = 0; i < myMarkers.length; i++ ) {
            if (myMarkers[i].poemUrl == sPoem) {
                bAdd = false;
                finalCoords = myMarkers[i].getPosition();
                marker = myMarkers[i];

        if(bAdd == true) {
            // set new coords
            var finalLat = lat + ((Math.random() - .5) / 1200);
            var finalLng = lng + ((Math.random() - .5) / 1200);
            var coords = new google.maps.LatLng(finalLat,finalLng);

            // load marker
            marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: coords,
                title: sTitle,
                //label: sLabel,
                draggable: false,
                //icon: "http://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/ms2/micons/blue-dot.png",
                animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,
                map: map/*,
                poemUrl: sPoem*/
            marker.info = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
              content: sTitle
            marker.info.open(map, marker);
            finalCoords = coords;
            google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function(event) {
                marker.info.open(map, marker);
                loadPoem(poemIndex, thePath, 0);
        // zoom in & center
        setTimeout(function() { 
            loadPoem(poemIndex, thePath, 2000);
        }, 2000);
    }, 0);


function loadPoem(poemIndex, thePath, waitTime) {
    var file = myPath[poemIndex].file;
        type: "GET",
        url: file,
        dataType: "html",
        async: true,
        error: function(xhr, statusText) { alert("Error: "+statusText + "\n\n" + xhr.responseText); },
        success: function(data){ 
            poemHTML = parsePoemFile(data, poemIndex, thePath);
            setTimeout(function() { $('#poemText').foundation('open'); }, waitTime);

function parsePoemFile(data, poemIndex, thePath) {
    // the poem itself, plus goodies, but not footer info
    // as that is built below
    var html = data + "<br><div id='poemFooter'>";
    // previous link text
    var pLinkBefore = "<a id='prevPoem' class='", pLinkAfter = "' href='#'>Previous Poem</a>"; 
    // next link text
    var nLinkBefore = "<a id='nextPoem' class='", nLinkAfter = "' href='#'>Next Poem</a>";
    // first link text
    var fLinkBefore = "<a id='nextPoem' class='", fLinkAfter = "' href='#'>First Poem</a>";
    // next path link text
    var zLinkBefore = "This is the end of Path ", zLinkMiddle = ".  To begin Path ", zLinkAfter = ", click <a href='#' id='nextPath'>here</a>";
    var zLinkFinal = "You have reached the end of all the paths.";
    var zLinkFinal2 = "You have reached the end of the random path.";
    // middle stuff
    var filler = "&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    // color of the anchors
    var aColor;
    var zLinkIDFirst, zLinkIDSecond;
    switch (thePath) {
        case 1: aColor = "blueAnchors"; zLinkIDFirst = "One"; zLinkIDSecond = "Two"; break;
        case 2: aColor = "orangeAnchors"; zLinkIDFirst = "Two"; zLinkIDSecond = "Three"; break;
        case 3: aColor = "greenAnchors"; zLinkIDFirst = "Three"; zLinkIDSecond = "Four"; break;
        case 4: aColor = "redAnchors"; 
        case 5: aColor = "blueAnchors"; break;
    if (poemIndex == 0) {
        // first poem in list, having next
        html += "<p>" + nLinkBefore + aColor + nLinkAfter + "</p>";
        html += "<script>";
        html += "$('#nextPoem').click(function(event) { ";
        html += "   event.preventDefault();";
        html += "   $('#poemText').foundation('close');";
        html += "   loadMap(" + (poemIndex + 1) + ", " + thePath + ");";
        html += "});";
        html += "</script>";
        html += "</div>";
    else if (poemIndex == myPath.length - 1) {
        // last poem in list, having previous, first, and next path
        if (thePath != 5) {
            // not a random path, so continue on
            // if not the last path (path 4)
            if (myPath[poemIndex].path != 4) {
                // not the last path, so can have next path
                html += "<p>" + nLinkBefore + aColor + nLinkAfter + filler + fLinkBefore + aColor + fLinkAfter + filler + zLinkBefore + zLinkIDFirst + zLinkMiddle + zLinkIDSecond + zLinkAfter + "</p>";
                html += "<script>";
                html += "$('#prevPoem').click(function(event) { ";
                html += "   event.preventDefault();";
                html += "   $('#poemText').foundation('close');";
                html += "   loadMap(" + (poemIndex - 1) + ", " + thePath + ");";
                html += "});";

                html += "$('#nextPoem').click(function(event) { ";
                html += "   event.preventDefault();";
                html += "   $('#poemText').foundation('close');";
                html += "   loadMap(0, " + thePath + ");";
                html += "});";

                html += "$('#nextPath').click(function(event) { ";
                html += "   event.preventDefault();";
                html += "   $('#poemText').foundation('close');";
                html += "   loadMap(" + (poemIndex + 1) + ", " + thePath + ");";
                html += "});";
                html += "</script>";
                html += "</div>";
            else {
                // last path, there is no next path
                html += "<p>" + nLinkBefore + aColor + nLinkAfter + filler + fLinkBefore + aColor + fLinkAfter + "</p>";
                html += "<p>" + zLinkFinal + "</p>";
                html += "<script>";
                html += "$('#prevPoem').click(function(event) { ";
                html += "   event.preventDefault();";
                html += "   $('#poemText').foundation('close');";
                html += "   loadMap(" + (poemIndex - 1) + ", " + thePath + ");";
                html += "});";

                html += "$('#nextPoem').click(function(event) { ";
                html += "   event.preventDefault();";
                html += "   $('#poemText').foundation('close');";
                html += "   loadMap(0, " + thePath + ");";
                html += "});";

                html += "$('#nextPath').click(function(event) { ";
                html += "   event.preventDefault();";
                html += "   $('#poemText').foundation('close');";
                html += "   loadMap(" + (poemIndex + 1) + ", " + thePath + ");";
                html += "});";
                html += "</script>";
                html += "</div>";
        else {
            // random path
            html += "<p>" + nLinkBefore + aColor + nLinkAfter + filler + fLinkBefore + aColor + fLinkAfter + "</p>";
            html += "<p>" + zLinkFinal2 + "</p>";
            html += "<script>";
            html += "$('#prevPoem').click(function(event) { ";
            html += "   event.preventDefault();";
            html += "   $('#poemText').foundation('close');";
            html += "   loadMap(" + (poemIndex - 1) + ", " + thePath + ");";
            html += "});";

            html += "$('#nextPoem').click(function(event) { ";
            html += "   event.preventDefault();";
            html += "   $('#poemText').foundation('close');";
            html += "   loadMap(0, " + thePath + ");";
            html += "});";

            html += "$('#nextPath').click(function(event) { ";
            html += "   event.preventDefault();";
            html += "   $('#poemText').foundation('close');";
            html += "   loadMap(" + (poemIndex + 1) + ", " + thePath + ");";
            html += "});";
            html += "</script>";
            html += "</div>";
    else {
        // any other poem, having previous and next
        html += "<p>" + nLinkBefore + aColor + nLinkAfter + filler + pLinkBefore + aColor + pLinkAfter + "</p>";
        html += "<script>";
        html += "$('#prevPoem').click(function(event) { ";
        html += "   event.preventDefault();";
        html += "   $('#poemText').foundation('close');";
        html += "   loadMap(" + (poemIndex - 1) + ", " + thePath + ");";
        html += "});";

        html += "$('#nextPoem').click(function(event) { ";
        html += "   event.preventDefault();";
        html += "   $('#poemText').foundation('close');";
        html += "   loadMap(" + (poemIndex + 1) + ", " + thePath + ");";
        html += "});";

        html += "</script>";
        html += "</div>";
    html += "</div>";

    return html;

google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);

The issue is when you parse the latitude and longitude they are being stored as strings. 问题是当您解析纬度和经度时,它们将被存储为字符串。 When you place a breakpoint at the line in poemmap.js at line var sTitle = myPath[poemIndex].title; 在poemmap.js中的行var sTitle = myPath[poemIndex].title;处的行上放置断点时
you'll see your first finallat variable will have the value 54.155578-0.00029992116265930235 . 您会看到第一个finallat变量的值54.155578-0.00029992116265930235 Just make sure to wrap the result with parse float like this: 只需确保将结果封装为parse float就可以了,如下所示:

var longitude = parseFloat($poem.find("longitude").text());
var latitude = parseFloat($poem.find("latitude").text());`

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