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Closure默认初始化程序缺失 - swift闭包变量声明?

[英]Closure default initializer missing - swift closure variable declaration?

I declared closure outside viewController class, I created one variable of that closure inside viewController class, but it shows the error of default initializer missing for this closure. 我在viewController类之外声明了闭包,我在viewController类中创建了该闭包的一个变量,但它显示了此闭包缺少的默认初始值设定项的错误。

I understand the consequences about variable and constant declaration and default initialization have to be assigned at the time of declaration. 我理解变量和常量声明的结果和默认初始化必须在声明时分配。 but I unable to understand what could be the default initialization of my closure, I tried bunch of few tricks to solve it but didn't worked out. 但我无法理解我的闭包的默认初始化是什么,我尝试了一些技巧来解决它,但没有解决。

Here is my closure declaration 这是我的封闭声明

typealias completionBlock = (String) -> ()  

and here is my variable declaration of that closure, which prompting to initialize it. 这是我关闭的变量声明,它提示初始化它。

class ViewController: UIViewController {

     var completionHandler: completionBlock = // What could be the default initializer to this closure

     override func viewDidLoad() {

I want to achieve calling this block whenever I gets those values required to pass, Same as objective-c external completionBlock declaration. 每当我获得传递所需的值时,我想实现调用此块,与objective-c external completionBlock声明相同。

You have 3 Options 你有3个选项

  • default property: 默认属性:

     var completionHandler : completionBlock = { _ in } 
  • Implicitly unwrapped Optional - only do this when you are 100% sure a value will be set before ever calling the completionHandler : 隐式解包可选 - 只有在100%确定在调用completionHandler之前设置了值时才执行此操作:

     var completionHandler: completionBlock! 
  • "regular" Optional “常规”可选

     var completionHandler: completionBlock? // later callable via completionHandler?("hi") 

I think it should be something like this? 我认为它应该是这样的?

var completionHandler: completionBlock = { stringValue  in 
        // but your code here

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