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[英]How can I create identical properties and methods to objects stored in an array in JavaScript?

I'm just experimenting with some code in JavaScript to create properties and methods. 我只是在尝试用JavaScript中的一些代码来创建属性和方法。 The following code works, but I want to know if there is a better way to create the same properties and same methods for each object in the array. 以下代码有效,但我想知道是否有更好的方法为数组中的每个对象创建相同的属性和方法。

As I said, this is just me experimenting with learning JavaScript: 正如我所说的,这只是我尝试学习JavaScript的尝试:

var contact = []; //set up array
var i = 0;

function displayContact() { //create function to display object contents

//create two empty objects in array
for (i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1) {
    contact[i] = {};

//Create properties (with some test data)
contact[0].name = "Mr Blue";
contact[0].telephone = "08870 7980 11291";
contact[0].email = "Mister_Blue@somewhere.se";

contact[1].name = "Mr Blue";
contact[1].telephone = "07880 7880 11281";
contact[1].email = "Mister_Blue@somewhere.se";

//create method for each object
for (i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1) {
    contact[i].logDetails = displayContact;

//test the method
for (i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1) {

Option 1: defining a constructor 选项1:定义构造函数

You can transform it to the following, by defining the constructor of a class: 您可以通过定义类的构造函数将其转换为以下内容:

 var Contact = function() {
    this.name = '';
    this.telephone = '';
    this.email = '';

  Contact.prototype.logDetails = function() {

  var contact = []; //set up array
  var i = 0;

  //create two empty objects in array
  for (i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1) {
    contact[i] = new Contact();

  //Create properties (with some test data)
  contact[0].name = "Mr Blue";
  contact[0].telephone = "070 780 1121";
  contact[0].email = "Mister_Blue@somewhere.se";

  contact[1].name = "Mr Blue";
  contact[1].telephone = "070 780 1121";
  contact[1].email = "Mister_Blue@somewhere.se";

  //test the method
  for (i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1) {

Read more about the constructors in JavaScript. 阅读有关JavaScript中构造函数的更多信息。

Option 2: using Object.create() 选项2:使用Object.create()

Object can be created easily with Object.create() method, when you specificy as the first argument the prototype. 当您将原型指定为第一个参数时,可以使用Object.create()方法轻松创建对象。 See the example: 参见示例:

var contact = []; //set up array
  var i = 0,
      proto = {
        logDetails: function() {

  //create two empty objects in array
  for (i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1) {
    contact[i] = Object.create(proto);

  //Create properties (with some test data)
  contact[0].name = "Mr Blue";
  contact[0].telephone = "070 780 1121";
  contact[0].email = "Mister_Blue@somewhere.se";

  contact[1].name = "Mr Blue";
  contact[1].telephone = "070 780 1121";
  contact[1].email = "Mister_Blue@somewhere.se";

  //test the method
  for (i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1) {

Of course you can define custom constructor to initialize the object properties or create an initialization method. 当然,您可以定义自定义构造函数来初始化对象属性或创建初始化方法。 It's a personal preference. 这是个人喜好。

To get familiar with object oriented programming in JavaScript, read this introduction . 要熟悉JavaScript中的面向对象编程,请阅读本介绍

To create multiple objects with identical properties and methods in JavaScript we are usually using functions as constructors and prototypes . 为了在JavaScript中创建具有相同属性和方法的多个对象,我们通常使用函数作为构造函数原型
Functions are first class objects in JavaScript and can be used as regular functions and as constructors as well. 函数是JavaScript中的第一类对象,并且可用作常规函数和构造函数。
The constructor name should always begin with capital letter. 构造函数名称应始终以大写字母开头。

// Proper declaring of constructor
function Contact(name, telephone, email) {
    this.name = name;
    this.telephone = telephone;
    this.email = email;

// prototype is a crucial mechanism for inheritance realization
Contact.prototype.displayContact = function(){

// creation of two Contact objects
contact1 = new Contact("Mr Blue", "070 780 1121", "Mister_Blue@somewhere.se");
contact2 = new Contact("Mr Blue", "070 780 1121", "Mister_Blue@somewhere.se");


Now all the objects that were created with Contact constructor have same property names and shared displayContact method 现在,所有使用Contact构造函数创建的对象都具有相同的属性名称和共享的displayContact方法

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