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Windows 10中的键盘MSR和触摸屏键盘通用Windows应用程序之间的区别

[英]Differentiate between Keyboard MSR and touchscreen keyboard Universal windows application in windows 10

I have a xaml page in universal windows application in windows 10. The page contains a textbox. 我在Windows 10的通用Windows应用程序中有一个xaml页面。该页面包含一个文本框。 The application uses a keyboard MSR (Magnetic Stripe Reader) for swipping of cards. 该应用程序使用键盘MSR(磁条读取器)刷卡。

Now, when I have focus on textbox and I swipe the card in MSR, it prints all the data in the textbox. 现在,当我专注于文本框并在MSR中刷卡时,它将在文本框中打印所有数据。 BUt, I want to the user to just tap the text from touch screen keyboard and restrict it from MSR. BUt,我希望用户仅从触摸屏键盘上点击文本并从MSR限制它。

Please help. 请帮忙。

    private DispatcherTimer _handledTimer;

    private bool _isHandled = false;

    private bool _isShift = false;

    private void txtEmailKeyDown(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.KeyRoutedEventArgs e)
        if (e.Key == VirtualKey.Shift)
            _isShift = true;
            if (ToChar(e.Key, _isShift))
                _isHandled = true;
            _isShift = false;
        e.Handled = _isHandled;

    public void StartDispatcher()
        if (_handledTimer == null)
            _handledTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
            _handledTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
            _handledTimer.Tick += handledTimerTick;

    private void handledTimerTick(object sender, object e)
        _handledTimer = null;
        _isHandled = false;

    private bool ToChar(VirtualKey key, bool shift)
        bool hasSpecificChar = false;
        // look for %
        if (53 == (int)key && shift)
            hasSpecificChar = true;

        // look for ';'
        if (186 == (int)key)
            hasSpecificChar = true;
        return hasSpecificChar;

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