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[英]Setting up SSL in Dropwizard

I am trying to set up SSL in my Dropwizard server. 我想在我的Dropwizard服务器中设置SSL。 I have got my SSL from GoDaddy and have received a couple of files from them namely: 我从GoDaddy获得了SSL,并从他们那里收到了几个文件:

  1. gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt gd_bundle-G2-g1.crt
  2. b78*********.crt (basically a file named like a random string) b78 *********。crt(基本上是一个名为随机字符串的文件)

I have added the gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt certificate with alias root in my keystore and have added the other one with my domain alias. 我在我的密钥库中添加了带别名rootgd_bundle-g2-g1.crt证书,并添加了另一个带有我的域别名的证书。

My .yml configuration file looks like this: (I have just pasted the relevant section of the .yml file) 我的.yml配置文件如下所示:(我刚刚粘贴了.yml文件的相关部分)

  - type: http
    port: 8080
  - type: https
    port: 8443
    keyStorePath: keystore/myKeyStore.jks
    keyStorePassword: "myPassword"
    validateCerts: true

  - type: http
    port: 8081

The problem is that whenever I am trying to launch my server I am receiving the following error: 问题是,每当我尝试启动我的服务器时,我收到以下错误:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to retrieve certificate chain

When I set the validateCerts as false in the .yml above then, for obvious reason, this error goes away but when I try to access the URL I get: Connection closed error when trying to access the URL 当我在上面的.yml中将validateCerts设置为false时,由于显而易见的原因,此错误消失但当我尝试访问URL时,我得到: 尝试访问URL时连接已关闭错误
I seem to be stuck real bad. 我好像很难受。 My server is working perfectly with http but https just doesn't work! 我的服务器与http完美配合,但https只是不起作用! :( Given my end goal of making https work and my current scenario, I have the following questions: :(鉴于我的最终目标是使https工作和我当前的场景,我有以下问题:

  1. Am I handling the certificate files incorrectly? 我是否错误地处理了证书文件?
  2. Is there something missing in my .yml file that needs to be added or is there something wrong there? 我的.yml文件中是否缺少需要添加的内容或者是否存在错误?
  3. Or is it something that I am missing from this picture altogether? 或者这是我在这张照片中完全遗漏的东西?

Appreciate your help. 感谢您的帮助。

The issue is finally resolved! 问题终于解决了! Here is how I got it to work (hope this helps anyone who is having a hard time figuring out how to make SSL work with Dropwizard) 以下是我如何使用它(希望这有助于任何人很难找到如何使用Dropwizard进行SSL工作)

  1. Firstly I had to concatenate the contents of b78*********.crt and gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt (make sure that the contents of the b78*********.crt are before the other file). 首先,我必须连接b78*********.crtgd_bundle-g2-g1.crt的内容(确保b78*********.crt的内容在之前另一个文件)。 Let's refer to that file as all_combined.crt from now. 让我们从现在开始将该文件称为all_combined.crt。
  2. Then I had to run this command to generate a .p12 file: 然后我必须运行此命令来生成.p12文件:

C:\\xampp\\apache\\bin>openssl.exe pkcs12 -export -in all_combined.crt -inkey myKey.key -out keystore.p12 -CAfile temp.crt C:\\ xampp \\ apache \\ bin> openssl.exe pkcs12 -export -in all_combined.crt -inkey myKey.key -out keystore.p12 -CAfile temp.crt

myKey.key is the file that you must have created while generating the CSR to request the SSL from the authority. myKey.key是生成CSR以从权限请求SSL时必须创建的文件。

  1. Then I had to run this command to include the above generate .p12 into my keystore: 然后我必须运行此命令将上面的生成.p12包含到我的密钥库中:

C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_65\\bin\\keystore>..\\keytool.exe -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.p12 -destkeystore myKeyStore.jks -srcstoretype pkcs12 -deststoretype jks C:\\ Program Files \\ Java \\ jdk1.8.0_65 \\ bin \\ keystore> .. \\ keytool.exe -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.p12 -destkeystore myKeyStore.jks -srcstoretype pkcs12 -deststoretype jks

That's all what is required in the keystore. 这就是密钥库中所需的全部内容。

  1. Finally I made a slight change in the .yml file: 最后我在.yml文件中稍作修改:
 server: applicationConnectors: - type: http port: 8080 - type: https port: 8443 keyStorePath: ./keystore/myKeyStore.jks keyStorePassword: "myPassword" validateCerts: false validatePeers: false 

Note that I have set the validateCerts and validatePeers to false. 请注意,我已将validateCerts和validatePeers设置为false。 Then I just restarted my Dropwizard server and everything started working as expected and my server was listening and responding to port 8443! 然后我重新启动了我的Dropwizard服务器,一切都按预期开始工作,我的服务器正在监听并响应端口8443! :-) :-)

PS: I am not 100% sure on what each step does or whether each of these are required. PS:我不是100%确定每个步骤的作用或是否需要每个步骤。 But after searching for hours and hours I've finally got something to work and would definitely read about the details of this later when I have some time. 但是经过几个小时的搜索,我终于有了一些工作,当我有一段时间的时候,肯定会读到这个细节。 Till then hope this unblocks someone who's stuck on it. 然后希望这会阻止那些坚持下去的人。

For others that will come I solved this problem in Dropwizard/Linux in another way. 对于即将到来的其他人,我以另一种方式在Dropwizard / Linux中解决了这个问题。

First generate your keys: 首先生成你的密钥:

 keytool -genkey -alias <aliasname> -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jks -keysize 2048

Then generate your CSR: 然后生成您的CSR:

 keytool -certreq -alias <aliasname> -file csr.txt -keystore keystore.jks

Open your csr.txt and copy all content. 打开csr.txt并复制所有内容。 Go to GoDaddy paste it and download the two .crt files as Others. 转到GoDaddy粘贴它并将两个.crt文件下载为Others。

Then concatenate the contents of b78*********.crt and gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt (make sure that the contents of the b78*********.crt are before the other file). 然后连接b78 *********。crt和gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt的内容(确保b78 *********。crt的内容在另一个文件之前)。 Let's refer to that file as all_combined.crt from now. 让我们从现在开始将该文件称为all_combined.crt。

Finally combine your trust certs with your .jks: 最后将您的信任证书与.jks结合使用:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore keystore.jks -storepass <keystorepassword> -alias <aliasname> -file all_combined.crt

Then on your .yml file let this: 然后在你的.yml文件中让这个:

- type: http
  port: 8080
- type: https
  port: 8443
  keyStorePath: keystore.jks
  keyStorePassword: <keystorepassword>
  keyStoreType: JKS
  supportedProtocols: [TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2]

That is it, have fun! 就是这样,玩得开心!

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