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[英]Issue to show data from relational database tables in rails

I am a newbie in ruby on rails it's also my first ruby application. 我是红宝石的新手,这也是我的第一个红宝石应用程序。

I want to show data from two tables these are 我想显示两个表中的数据,这些是

applied_jobs table: it contains the below columns: Applied_jobs表:它包含以下各列:

applied_jobs_id | Applied_jobs_id | jobseeker_id | jobseeker_id | expected_salary 期望薪水

jobseekers table: it contains the below columns: Jobseekers表:它包含以下各列:

jobseeker_id | jobseeker_id | year_of_experience | year_of_experience | name 名称

My view file codes: 我的查看文件代码:

    <% @applicants_view.each do | applicants | %>
        <td><%=  applicants.jobseeker.name%></td>
        <td><%=applicants.jobseeker.year_of_experience %></td>
        <td><%= applicants.expected_salary %></td>
     <% end %>

My controller codes: 我的控制器代码:

def applicantsList

   @applicants_view = AppliedJob.paginate(page: params[:page],

:per_page => 4).order('applied_jobs_id DESC') :per_page => 4).order('applied_jobs_id DESC')


My applied_job model codes: 我的Applied_job模型代码:

class AppliedJob < ActiveRecord::Base

    belongs_to :jobseeker

My jobseeker model codes: 我的求职者型号代码:

class Jobseeker < ActiveRecord::Base

    has_one :applied_job


When I try to show data it's showing the below error 当我尝试显示数据时,它显示以下错误

   where line #51 raised:

  undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass

  Rails.root: C:/wamp/www/hire_us
  Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace

  app/views/applicants_list/applicantsList.html.erb:51:in `block in


Someone can help me, please to identify where the bug? 有人可以帮助我,请找出错误所在?

You can avoid the error by adding 您可以通过添加来避免错误

<% @applicants_view.each do | applicants | %>
   <% next unless applicants.jobseeker %>
<% end %>

or 要么

<% @applicants_view.each do | applicants | %>
   <% applicants.jobseeker.try(:name) %>
<% end %>

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