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[英]access a js function/class from another file

I have the following function/class sitting in a file called "errors.js": 我将以下函数/类放在一个名为“ errors.js”的文件中:

HB.errors.handleErrorResponse = function(data, form, status) {
    $('#_ignoreDoubleBooking').toggle((status == HB.errors.HTTP_CODE_CONFLICT));

    if (data) {
    } else {

however HB.Reservation.Listeners.handle40xResponse() is siting in another file within the same directory. 但是HB.Reservation.Listeners.handle40xResponse()位于同一目录中的另一个文件中。

What is the best way of obtaining access to "HB.Reservation.Listeners.handle40xResponse()" from errors.js? 从errors.js获得对“ HB.Reservation.Listeners.handle40xResponse()”的访问的最佳方法是什么?

You probably will be interested by requirejs ( http://requirejs.org/ ). 您可能会对requirejs( http://requirejs.org/ )感兴趣。 This is a JavaScript file and module loader. 这是一个JavaScript文件和模块加载器。 The website documentation is very understandable. 网站文档非常容易理解。

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