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[英]Converting TypeScript definition files to Kotlin

Is it currently possible to convert d.ts files to Kotlin? 目前是否可以将d.ts文件转换为Kotlin? I've found a post which mentions that Kotlin devs are working on a converter , but I'm not sure if the project was dropped or is it available in some kind of beta state. 我发现一篇文章提到Kotlin开发人员正在研究转换器 ,但我不确定该项目是否已被删除或是否可用于某种β状态。 This project (apart from being undocumented) seems to use an outdated compiler, uses KotlinJS features (?) and feels like a little bit more complicated than a simple converter that consumes a file and outputs another. 这个项目 (除了没有记录)似乎使用过时的编译器,使用KotlinJS功能(?),感觉比简单的转换器更复杂,它使用一个文件并输出另一个文件。

The project that you've linked to is the best thing currently available. 您链接到的项目是目前最好的项目。 We plan to resume work on the converter and bring it to production quality (with support, documentation etc.) after Kotlin 1.0 is released. 我们计划在Kotlin 1.0发布后恢复转换器的工作并使其达到生产质量(支持,文档等)。

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