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[英]Adding git repository with Composer for development branch where no composer.json present

I have been trying to install a git repository that does not have a composer.json file. 我一直在尝试安装没有composer.json文件的git存储库。 I followed the instructions on the composer website and also found in this stackexchange post: Composer - adding git repository without composer.json 我遵循了composer网站上的说明,也可以在以下stackexchange帖子中找到该内容: Composer-添加不带composer.json的git库

However, I am still not able to get it to work. 但是,我仍然无法使其正常工作。 I keep getting an error stating: "The requested package phpredis/phredis could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name. 我不断收到错误消息:“在任何版本中都找不到所请求的软件包phpredis / phredis,软件包名称中可能有错字。

This is my composer.json file on my system (note that predis/predis loads fine but I want to use the other redis package): 这是我的系统上的composer.json文件(请注意predis / predis可以很好地加载,但是我想使用其他redis包):

"respositories": [

    "require": {
        "predis/predis": "^1.0",

I know that I must be making a simple error somewhere but I have spent hours and can't figure it out. 我知道我一定在某个地方犯了一个简单的错误,但是我已经花了数小时而无法弄清楚。 Thanks for the help. 谢谢您的帮助。

It's useless to fiddle with any composer.json replacement for this repository because it contains C software that needs to be compiled and installed as a PHP extension. 对该库进行任何composer.json替换都无济于事,因为它包含需要编译和安装为PHP扩展的C软件。 Composer won't do this for you, it can only manage PHP source code. Composer不会为您执行此操作,它只能管理PHP源代码。

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