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[英]Aurelia: Binding textContent of a custom element?

I'm writing a very simple data grid custom element in Aurelia, partially for a feature I need and partially to learn Aurelia. 我正在Aurelia写一个非常简单的数据网格自定义元素,部分用于我需要的功能,部分用于学习Aurelia。 It's going well but I'm stuck on how to get the content of an element in the custom component. 它进展顺利,但我仍然坚持如何获取自定义组件中元素的内容。

Here is my code, with the remainder of the question below: 这是我的代码,问题的其余部分如下:

data-grid.js 数据grid.js

import {inject, bindable} from 'aurelia-framework';
import _ from 'underscore';

export class DataGridCustomElement {
  @bindable data = [];
  @bindable height = '';

  columns = [];

  bind() {

  sort(property) {
    if (property == this.sortProperty) {
      this.sortDirection = !this.sortDirection;
    else {
      this.sortProperty = property;
      this.sortDirection = true;
    let data = _.sortBy(this.data, this.sortProperty);
    if (!this.sortDirection) {
      data = data.reverse()
    this.data = data;

export class DataGridColumnCustomElement {
  @bindable title = '';
  @bindable width = '';
  @bindable property = '';

  constructor(dataGrid) {

data-grid.html 数据grid.html

  <table class="table table-fixedheader table-condensed table-striped table-bordered">
      <th repeat.for="column of columns" width="${column.width}"><a href="#" click.delegate="sort(column.property)">${column.title}</a></th>
    <tbody css="height: ${height};">
    <tr repeat.for="row of data">
      <td repeat.for="column of columns" width="${column.width}"></td>

data-grid-test.js 数据并网test.js

import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';

export class DataGridTest {
  constructor() {
    this.animals = [
        id : 3,
        animal : 'Horse',
        home : 'Stall'
        id : 1,
        animal : 'Monkey',
        home : 'Tree'
        id : 11,
        animal : 'Dog',
        home : 'House'
        id : 2,
        animal : 'Cat',
        home : 'Internet'
        id : 20,
        animal : 'Hamster',
        home : 'Cage'

data-grid-test.html 数据网的test.html

  <require from="./data-grid"></require>
  <data-grid data.bind="animals" height="300px">
    <data-grid-column title="ID" property="id" width="34%">TEXT CONTENT</data-grid-column>
    <data-grid-column title="Animal" property="animal" width="33%">TEXT CONTENT</data-grid-column>
    <data-grid-column title="Home" property="home" width="33%">TEXT CONTENT</data-grid-column>

In this code what I want to do is bind TEXT CONTENT of the <data-grid-column> elements to a field in data-grid.js#DataGridColumnCustomElement . 在这段代码中,我想要做的是将<data-grid-column>元素的TEXT CONTENT绑定到data-grid.js#DataGridColumnCustomElement的字段。 Similarly to the title, property and width attributes which all work fine, I want the text content of the element. 与标题,属性和宽度属性类似,都可以正常工作,我想要元素的文本内容。

It seems as if I would need to define something on the class for this to happen, but I cannot figure out what to define or where to look. 似乎我需要在类上定义一些事情来实现这一点,但我无法弄清楚要定义什么或在哪里看。

Thanks in advance, 提前致谢,

Jason 贾森

You'll need to get a reference to the column's DOM element so you can grab the textContent. 您需要获取对列的DOM元素的引用,以便您可以获取textContent。 Here's how to do that, along with some other tweaks: 以下是如何做到这一点,以及其他一些调整:

import {processContent, noView} from 'aurelia-framework';

@noView()  // this element doesn't need a view, it's essentially declarative data for the parent element
@processContent(false) // the templating engine doesn't need to process the content of this element, we're going to do it
@inject(DataGridCustomElement, Element) // inject the parent, and the DOM element that represents this DataGridColumn element so we can read it's textContent
export class DataGridColumnCustomElement {
  @bindable title = '';
  @bindable width = '';
  @bindable property = '';
  textContent = '';

  constructor(dataGrid, element) {
    this.textContent = element.textContent; // grab the textContent and store it in a class property

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