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[英]celery- modify task scheduler time

I have a period task which schedule is got from database 我有一个定期任务,该时间表是从数据库中获取的
Because we want the value can be changed by user 因为我们希望该值可以由用户更改

    'do_something': {
        'task': 'celery_task.tasks.do_something',
        'schedule': timedelta(seconds=get_setting()),
        'options': { 'queue': 'do_something',

When I execute celery beat -A project --loglevel=INFO 当我执行celery beat -A project --loglevel=INFO
it run the task by every timedelta(seconds=get_setting() 它每隔timedelta(seconds=get_setting()运行一次任务

But when I change the time in database 但是当我更改数据库中的时间时
The task still use old schedule time 该任务仍使用旧的计划时间
How can I let it use new schedule time???? 如何让它使用新的时间表时间????
Could it possible without restart celery beat?? 不重新启动芹菜拍子就可以吗?

Celery offers the option to build a custom scheduler. Celery提供了构建自定义计划程序的选项。 You can read about it here . 你可以在这里阅读。 Also, you can see examples in this SE question and this github repository. 另外,您可以在 SE问题和 github存储库中查看示例。

Shortly, you need to implement a new scheduler that syncs entries from a DB. 不久,您需要实现一个新的调度程序,该调度程序将同步数据库中的条目。 Good luck! 祝好运!

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