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Browserify和ES6 / ES2015类(Babel编译器)

[英]Browserify and ES6/ES2015 classes (babel compiler)

I have 2 classes (ES2015 Classes style) in separate files and one App file with require. 我在单独的文件中有2个类(ES2015类样式),在一个文件中有require。 I want to use this CommonJS modules in browser. 我想在浏览器中使用此CommonJS模块。 Most popular lib is Browserify with Babel compiler for ES2015 syntax (babelify). 最受欢迎的库是带有ES2015语法的Babel编译器的Browserify(babelify)。 Example: 例:

Class1.js Class1.js

class Class1 {
  constructor() {
    this.prop = 1;
  method() {
module.exports = Class1;

Class2.js Class2.js

class Class2 {
  constructor() {
    this.prop = 2;
  method() {
module.exports = Class2;

App.js App.js

var Class1 = require('./Class1');
var Class2 = require('./Class2');
class App {
  constructor() {
    this.class1 = new Class1();
    this.class2 = new Class2();
module.exports = App;

gulpfile.js gulpfile.js

gulp.task("js", function () {
  browserify({ entries: config.js.appFile, extensions: ['.js'], debug: true })

The problem in result app.js. 结果app.js中的问题 It contains duplicate code for each classes in each modules. 它包含每个模块中每个类的重复代码。

var _createClass = function () { ... }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { ...}
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { ... } //not for example above but can exists
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { ... } //not for example above but can exists

How to remove this duplicate code with sourcemap support for source js files? 如何使用地图对源js文件的支持来删除此重复代码?

I tried Browserify all js files in one without Babelify transform, then compile result with Babel. 我尝试了在没有Babelify转换的情况下将Browserify合并为所有js文件,然后使用Babel编译结果。 It works without duplicate code but sourcemap will incorrect. 它可以在没有重复代码的情况下工作,但是sourcemap将不正确。

The simple answer is that you should npm install babel-plugin-transform-runtime babel-runtime and then include 简单的答案是,您应该npm install babel-plugin-transform-runtime babel-runtime ,然后包括

"plugins": ["transform-runtime"]

in your .babelrc alongside your "presets": ["es2015"] configuration. .babelrc"presets": ["es2015"]旁边"presets": ["es2015"]配置。

The exact answer depends on how you want your polyfill functions to work. 确切的答案取决于您希望Polyfill函数如何工作。 Babel provides babel-polyfill as a way to globally load a polyfill that will add ES6 library functions throughout your application. Babel提供babel-polyfill作为全局加载babel-polyfill一种方式,它将在整个应用程序中添加ES6库功能。 However this can conflict with the default behavior of transform-runtime above, which will instead attempt to point references to globals back at the babel-runtime module. 但是,这可能与上面的transform-runtime的默认行为相冲突,后者的默认行为是尝试将对全局变量的引用指向babel-runtime模块。 This means you could accidentally end up with two copies of the same polyfilled APIs loaded. 这意味着您可能会意外地加载了两个相同填充API的副本。

  1. If you want/need to use babel-polyfill because it globally provides tons of standard ES6 functionality, including global prototype methods like Array.prototype.includes , then you should add additional params to your plugin: 如果您希望/需要使用babel-polyfill因为它在全球范围内提供了大量的标准ES6功能,包括诸如Array.prototype.includes类的全局原型方法,则应在插件中添加其他参数:

     "plugins": [ ["transform-runtime", {polyfill: false, regenerator: false}], ] 
  2. If you don't want to use a globally-polluting polyfill like babel-polyfill , you can use the polyfilling logic in babel-runtime instead. 如果您不想使用像babel-polyfill这样的全局污染babel-polyfill ,可以在babel-runtime使用polyfilling逻辑。 This can be important if for instance you are writing a standalone library and don't want to make all your users load babel-polyfill for you, or change globals from the library, which is a bad idea. 例如,如果您正在编写一个独立的库并且不想让所有用户为您加载babel-polyfill或从该库中更改全局变量,那么这很重要。

     "plugins": [ "transform-runtime", ] 

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