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[英]Assign value returned by Http subscribe method in Angular2

I have an issue when I call my webservice in Angular2. 我在Angular2中调用Web服务时遇到问题。 My variable this.arc is always empty because the function get() is asynchronous and it return directly the variable before webservice's response. 我的变量this.arc始终为空,因为函数get()是异步的,它在Web服务响应之前直接返回该变量。

I don't know how to handle this. 我不知道该如何处理。 I saw some informations about defer but i think is not the best way. 我看到了一些有关defer信息,但我认为这不是最好的方法。

Thanks ! 谢谢 !

getArcs (lat,lng) {
    var url = "http://localhost:8081/api/v1/arcs?lat="+lat+"&lng="+lng;
    this.arcs = [];

    /*var options = new RequestOptions({
        headers: new Headers({
            'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'

            (data: any) => {
                JSON.parse(data._body).forEach(arc => {
                    //console.log(new Arc(arc));
                    this.arcs.push(new Arc(arc)); //add arcs

            error => {
                console.log("error during http request");
    return this.arcs;

---- EDIT---- ----编辑----

I think the problem is at the call of the function : 我认为问题出在函数的调用上:

public getData (lat,lng) {
    var closedArc = this.arcService.getArcs(lat,lng);



Since your really need data in your getData() function, you can move subscribe logic there, and let getArcs() return an Observable. 由于您确实需要getData()函数中的数据,因此可以在其中移动订阅逻辑,并让getArcs()返回一个Observable。 This is a good practice - let services return Observables and subscribe to them when you need data. 这是一个好习惯-让服务返回Observable,并在需要数据时订阅它们。

getArcs(lat, lng) {
  var url = "http://localhost:8081/api/v1/arcs?lat=" + lat + "&lng=" + lng;

  return this.http
    .map(response => response.json()) // response has builtin method to parse json.
    .map(arc => {
      return new Arc(arc);

public getData(lat, lng) {
  var closedArc;
    .getArcs(lat, lng)
      arcs => closedArc = arcs, // success
      error => console.log("error during http request"), // error
      () => this.showArc(closedArc) // complete

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