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[英]Reverse sort of Numpy array with NaN values

I have a numpy array with some NaN values: 我有一个带有一些NaN值的numpy数组:

>>> a
array([  1.,  -1.,   nan,  0.,  nan], dtype=float32)

I can sort it in ascending or 'descending' order: 我可以按升序或'降序'排序:

>>> numpy.sort(a)
array([ -1.,   0.,   1.,  nan,  nan], dtype=float32)
>>> numpy.sort(a)[::-1]
array([ nan,  nan,   1.,   0.,  -1.], dtype=float32)

However, what I want is descending order with NaN values at the end, like this: 但是,我想要的是在最后用NaN值降序,如下所示:

>>> numpy.genuine_reverse_sort(a)
array([ 1.,   0.,   -1.,  nan,  nan], dtype=float32)

How could this be accomplished? 怎么可以实现呢? I suspect that there is no special method for this. 我怀疑没有特别的方法。

I think you're probably right -- there is no built in special method to do this. 我认为你可能是对的 - 没有内置的特殊方法来做到这一点。 But you could do it in two steps as follows by rolling your NaNs into the place you want them: 但是您可以通过将NaN滚动到您想要的位置,按照以下两个步骤执行此操作:

a = np.array([  1.,  -1.,   np.nan,  0.,  np.nan], dtype=np.float32)
sa = np.sort(a)[::-1]

array([  1.,   0.,  -1.,  nan,  nan], dtype=float32)

You can do the following: 您可以执行以下操作:

>>> np.concatenate((np.sort(a[~np.isnan(a)])[::-1], [np.nan] * np.isnan(a).sum()))
array([ 1.,   0.,   -1.,  nan,  nan])

With this fragment you reverse sort the numerical entries of the input array, and then you concatenate with the appropriate number of nan values. 使用此片段,您可以反向排序输入数组的数字条目,然后使用适当数量的nan值进行连接。

You can use np.argpartition to sort only the non-NaNs , like so - 您可以使用np.argpartition仅对non-NaNs进行排序,如下所示 -

a[np.argpartition(-a, np.arange((~np.isnan(a)).sum()) )]

Sample run - 样品运行 -

In [253]: a
Out[253]: array([  1.,  -1.,  nan,   0.,  nan,   2.,   4.,  -2., -10.,  nan])

In [254]: a[np.argpartition(-a, np.arange((~np.isnan(a)).sum()) )]
Out[254]: array([  4.,   2.,   1.,   0.,  -1.,  -2., -10.,  nan,  nan,  nan])

What about negating the values twice: 怎么样两次否定这些价值观:

>>> a = np.array([2., -1., nan,  0., nan])
>>> np.sort(a)
array([ -1.,   0.,   2.,  nan,  nan])
>>> -np.sort(-a)
array([  2.,   0.,  -1.,  nan,  nan])

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