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如何删除 AWS ECS 任务定义?

[英]How do you delete an AWS ECS Task Definition?

在 Amazon 的 EC2 Container Service 中创建任务定义后,如何删除或移除它?

It's a known issue .这是一个已知问题 Once you de-register a Task Definition it goes into INACTIVE state and clutters up the ECS Console.一旦您取消注册任务定义,它就会进入 INACTIVE 状态并使 ECS 控制台变得混乱。

I've recently found this gist (thanks a lot to the creator for sharing!) which will deregister all task definitions for your specific region - maybe you can adapt it to skip some which you want to keep: https://gist.github.com/jen20/e1c25426cc0a4a9b53cbb3560a3f02d1我最近发现了这个要点(非常感谢创建者的分享!)它将取消注册您特定区域的所有任务定义 - 也许您可以对其进行调整以跳过一些您想要保留的内容: https://gist.github .com/jen20/e1c25426cc0a4a9b53cbb3560a3f02d1

You need to have jq to run it: brew install jq你需要有 jq 才能运行它: brew install jq

I "hard-coded" my region, for me it's eu-central-1 , so be sure to adapt it for your use-case:我“硬编码”了我的区域,对我来说它是eu-central-1 ,所以一定要根据你的用例进行调整:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
get_task_definition_arns() {
    aws ecs list-task-definitions --region eu-central-1 \
        | jq -M -r '.taskDefinitionArns | .[]'

delete_task_definition() {
    local arn=$1

    aws ecs deregister-task-definition \
        --region eu-central-1 \
        --task-definition "${arn}" > /dev/null

for arn in $(get_task_definition_arns)
    echo "Deregistering ${arn}..."
    delete_task_definition "${arn}"

Then when I run it, it starts removing them: Deregistering arn:aws:ecs:REGION:YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID:task-definition/NAME:REVISION...然后当我运行它时,它开始删除它们: Deregistering arn:aws:ecs:REGION:YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID:task-definition/NAME:REVISION...

您可以像以下命令一样取消注册(删除)任务定义: aws ecs deregister-task-definition --task-definition task_defination_name:revision_no

Oneline approach inspired by Anna A reply:灵感来自Anna 的Oneline 方法回复:

aws ecs list-task-definitions --region eu-central-1 \
  | jq -M -r '.taskDefinitionArns | .[]' \
  | xargs -I {} aws ecs deregister-task-definition \
        --region eu-central-1 \
        --task-definition {} \
  | jq -r '.taskDefinition.taskDefinitionArn'

Created following gist to safely review, filter and deregister AWS task-definitions and revisions in bulk (max 100 at a time) using JS CLI.创建以下要点以使用 JS CLI 安全地审查、过滤和取消注册 AWS 任务定义和修订(一次最多 100 个)。

https://gist.github.com/shivam-nagar/aa79b02b74f616f8714d51e419bd10de https://gist.github.com/shivam-nagar/aa79b02b74f616f8714d51e419bd10de

Can use this to deregister all revisions for task-definition.可以使用它来取消注册任务定义的所有修订。 This will result in task-definition itself marked as inactive.这将导致任务定义本身被标记为非活动状态。

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