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[英]How can I display .xed files in Linux?

Using Microsoft Kinect SDK 1.x, it is possible to record RGB-D video with Kinect Studio, and save those recordings in .xed files. 使用Microsoft Kinect SDK 1.x,可以使用Kinect Studio录制RGB-D视频,并将这些录制内容保存为.xed文件。

Is there a way to open and view those recordings in a Linux-based distribution, such as Ubuntu? 有没有办法在基于Linux的发行版(例如Ubuntu)中打开和查看这些录音?

XED files are based on a proprietary format, and up to my knowledge there are no "players" for this format, except Kinect Studio. XED文件基于专有格式,据我所知,除Kinect Studio外,该格式没有“播放器”。

So the only possibility to display XED files in Linux is to install Kinect Studio... on Linux. 因此,在Linux中显示XED文件的唯一可能性是在Linux上安装Kinect Studio...。

This is possible by using Wine, which allows to execute Windows application on Linux. 使用Wine可以做到这一点,它可以在Linux上执行Windows应用程序。 Here is how to install Wine and configure it to execute Kinect Studio on a Linux distro (I have tested this on Ubuntu MATE 15.10, but it should work similarly in other distros). 这是安装Wine并将其配置为在Linux发行版上执行Kinect Studio的方法(我已经在Ubuntu MATE 15.10上对其进行了测试,但在其他发行版中也应类似地工作)。

Get Kinect Studio 获取Kinect Studio

Kinect Studio is part of Microsoft Kinect Developer Toolkit, but we do not need to install all the toolkit on Linux. Kinect Studio是Microsoft Kinect Developer Toolkit的一部分,但是我们不需要在Linux上安装所有工具包。 Indeed after installing it on Windows, we can get just the Kinect Studio files, and copy them to Linux. 确实,在Windows上安装后,我们可以只获取Kinect Studio文件,并将它们复制到Linux。

So first of all we should download and install Microsoft Kinect Developer Toolkit 1.8 from here (which requires to preventively install Microsoft Kinect SDK 1.8 ), and execute the installer. 因此,首先我们应该从此处下载并安装Microsoft Kinect Developer Toolkit 1.8(这需要预防性地安装Microsoft Kinect SDK 1.8 ),然后执行安装程序。 Then, we will find the Kinect Studio .dll and .exe files in C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Kinect\\Developer Toolkit v1.8.0\\Tools\\KinectStudio . 然后,我们将在C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Kinect\\Developer Toolkit v1.8.0\\Tools\\KinectStudio找到Kinect Studio .dll和.exe文件。 Those files are: 这些文件是:

  • KinectStudio.exe KinectStudio.exe
  • KinectStudioConnector32.dll KinectStudioConnector32.dll
  • KinectStudioConnector64.dll KinectStudioConnector64.dll
  • KinectStudioNative.dll KinectStudioNative.dll

We should copy those files to our Linux distro. 我们应该将这些文件复制到我们的Linux发行版中。

This is the only thing we have to do on Windows. 这是我们在Windows上唯一要做的事情。 Now we can switch on Linux. 现在我们可以打开Linux。

Installing Wine 安装酒

On Linux, we need to install Wine from the WineHQ repository (and NOT from our distribution repository). 在Linux上,我们需要从WineHQ存储库(而不是从分发存储库)安装Wine。 The following instructions are for Ubuntu, but installation on other distros is well documented in this page . 以下说明是针对Ubuntu的,但是在其他发行版中的安装在此页面中有详细说明

  1. If our system is 64bit, we must enable 32 bit architecture: 如果我们的系统是64位,则必须启用32位体系结构:

     sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 
  2. Add the WineHQ repository: 添加WineHQ存储库:

     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wine/wine-builds 
  3. Update packages: 更新包:

     sudo apt-get update 
  4. Then install wine and winetricks: 然后安装葡萄酒和葡萄酒技巧:

     sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-staging && sudo apt-get install winetricks 

To the present, this will install Wine 1.9.2 (Staging) : 到目前为止,这将安装Wine 1.9.2(登台)

$ wine --version
wine-1.9.2 (Staging)

After the installation, BEFORE EXECUTING WINE, we must add a global environmental viariable: 安装后,在执行酒之前,我们必须添加全局环境变量:

export WINEARCH=win32

If, by mistake, you execute wine or winetricks before the above command, you should delete the .wine folder (which is in your home folder), and then execute the above command. 如果错误地在执行上述命令之前执行winewinetricks ,则应删除.wine文件夹(位于主文件夹中),然后执行上述命令。

Installing .NET packages with winetricks 使用Winetricks安装.NET软件包

Now, we must install some .NET packages via winetricks , an extremely useful tool to install and configure libraries, DLLs and more for the correct execution of Windows applications on Wine. 现在,我们必须通过winetricks安装一些.NET软件包,这是一个非常有用的工具,用于安装和配置库,DLL等,以在Wine上正确执行Windows应用程序。

Because we have already installed winetricks (which is usually available in the distro repository), we can proceed as follows: 因为我们已经安装了winetricks(通常在发行版存储库中可用),所以可以按以下步骤进行:

  1. winetricks msxml3

    While installing this package, it is possible that the script asks you to download a file, copy it on a folder and re-execute the script. 安装此软件包时,脚本可能会要求您下载文件,将其复制到文件夹中并重新执行脚本。 We MUST follow these instructions before continuing with the next step. 在继续下一步之前,我们必须遵循这些说明。

  2. winetricks dotnet45

    This will automatically install .NET Framework, starting from version 2.0 up until 4.5. 从2.0版到4.5版,这将自动安装.NET Framework。 You should carefully follow all the installation steps, and complete them to have everything working fine. 您应该仔细执行所有安装步骤,并完成它们以使一切正常。

Executing Kinect Studio 执行Kinect Studio

Now, after having copied all the Kinect Studio files in a single folder (for instance /home/myname/Kinect Studio ), let's open a terminal and execute the following: 现在,在将所有Kinect Studio文件复制到一个文件夹(例如/home/myname/Kinect Studio )之后,让我们打开一个终端并执行以下命令:

wine '/home/myname/Kinect Studio/KinectStudio.exe'

And we will see Kinect Studio on our Linux desktop, ready to open any .xed file we need to visualize. 我们将在Linux桌面上看到Kinect Studio,可以打开我们需要可视化的任何.xed文件。

Ubuntu Mate 15.10上的Kinect Studio

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