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[英]Accessing current_user in Rails route

Please forgive me... I know there are other posts with a similar title but I have not seen my question so... 请原谅我...我知道还有其他标题相似的帖子,但是我没有看到我的问题,所以...

I am trying to create a url mysite.com/myusername/profile and I was wondering how to create the route for that. 我正在尝试创建一个URL mysite.com/myusername/profile,我想知道如何为此创建路由。 At the moment, the url for user#profile is just that, mysite.com/user/profile, but I want to make it something more specific like say each user has a username like JohnnySmith the URL would be mysite.com/JohnnySmith/profile. 目前,user#profile的URL就是mysite.com/user/profile,但我想让它更具体一些,例如说每个用户都有一个像JohnnySmith这样的用户名,URL就是mysite.com/JohnnySmith/轮廓。 I was thinking something like 我在想类似

get "/#{current_user.username}", to: "user#profile", as: user_profile 

but I know this isn't correct. 但我知道这是不正确的。

I should mention that, too, that it is not possible for just anyone to access mysite.com/JohnnySmith/profile.... the current user would have to be JohnnySmith. 我还要提到的是,不可能只有任何人可以访问mysite.com/JohnnySmith/profile ....当前用户必须是JohnnySmith。

Can someone help? 有人可以帮忙吗? Thanks. 谢谢。

If you want to pass a parameter in a route, it should be 如果要在路由中传递参数,则应为

get "/:username/profile", to: "user#profile", as: user_profile

Please take a look at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#naming-routes 请查看http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#naming-routes

Then you can use params[:username] in your controller to validate the user like 然后,您可以在控制器中使用params[:username]来验证用户身份,例如

if current_user.username != params[:username]
   # redirect to error page

Or you can use cancancan gem to do this. 或者,您可以使用cancancan gem来执行此操作。

You need to use friendly_id with CanCanCan for authorization. 您需要对CanCanCan使用friendly_id进行授权。

Essentially, what you're trying to do is allow Rails to process usernames through the params. 本质上,您要尝试的是允许Rails通过参数处理用户名。 This can be done without friendly_id , but is somewhat hacky. 这可以在没有friendly_id情况下完成,但是有点hacky。

Using the friendly_id gem will allow you to use the following: 使用friendly_id gem将允许您使用以下内容:

gem "friendly_id"

$ rails generate friendly_id
$ rails generate scaffold user name:string slug:string:uniq
$ rake db:migrate

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
   extend FriendlyID
   friendly_id :username, use: [:finders, :slugged]

You'd then be able to use: 然后,您可以使用:

resources :users, path: "", only: [] do
   get :profile, action: :show, on: :member #-> url.com/:id/profile

class UsersController < ApplicationController
   def show
      @user = User.find params[:id]

This will automatically translate params[:id] into the slug attribute for the User model: 这将自动将params[:id]转换为User模型的slug属性:

<%= link_to "Profile", user_profile_path(current_user) %>
# -> url.com/:current_user_name/profile

-- -

The next stage to this is authorization . 下一步是授权

Using CanCanCan should make it so that only the current_user can view their profile: 使用CanCanCan应该做到这一点,以便只有current_user可以查看其个人资料:

gem "cancancan"

class Ability
  include CanCan::Ability

  def initialize(user)
    user ||= User.new # guest user (not logged in)
    can :read, User, id: user.id

You can then use load_and_authorize_resource in your users controller: 然后,可以在users控制器中使用load_and_authorize_resource

class UsersController < ApplicationController

   def show

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