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XAML 文件中的条件?

[英]Conditional in XAML file?

I have the following XAML file:我有以下 XAML 文件:

<MediaElement Name="mediaElementOne"

The MediaOpened property currently calls the "Media_Success" when the media loaded successfully. MediaOpened属性当前在媒体加载成功时调用“Media_Success”。

My issue is with MediaFailed , because I only want MediaFailed to fire on a boolean, meaning I need this to be conditional based on a boolean in my .cs file for the aforementioned XAML file.我的问题是MediaFailed ,因为我只希望 MediaFailed 在布尔值上触发,这意味着我需要基于上述 XAML 文件的 .cs 文件中的布尔值来设置它。

How do I write a conditional in a XAML file?如何在 XAML 文件中编写条件? Or how would I be able to do this on the .cs file.或者我怎么能在 .cs 文件上做到这一点。

Right now as soon as .net believes the media failed it fires the Media_Failure function.现在,只要 .net 认为媒体失败,它就会触发 Media_Failure 函数。 I don't want it to fire the Media_Failure function when a specific boolean is set to false and for reasons far outside the scope of this question I can't handle the condition inside of the Media_Failure function.我不希望它在特定布尔值设置为 false 时触发 Media_Failure 函数,并且由于远远超出此问题范围的原因,我无法处理 Media_Failure 函数内部的条件。

Additional info: Here is the method it fires on the .cs file:附加信息:这是它在 .cs 文件上触发的方法:

private void Media_Failure(object sender, ExceptionRoutedEventArgs e){...}

You can use triggers.您可以使用触发器。

This code is in reference to winrt xaml.此代码参考了 winrt xaml。 The same can you do in WPF:你可以在 WPF 中做同样的事情:

    <Core:DataTriggerBehavior Binding="{Binding IsFailed}" Value="True">
      <Core:CallMethodAction MethodName="MediaFailed"/>

This will go with your media element.这将与您的媒体元素一起使用。

So, if your bool is true it will call a method.因此,如果您的 bool 为真,它将调用一个方法。

A pattern like this comes to mind where you set or clear the MediaFailed event handler based on the boolean, which you make a property with a getter/setter.在您基于布尔值设置或清除 MediaFailed 事件处理程序的地方会想到这样的模式,您可以使用 getter/setter 创建一个属性。

private bool _isMediaFailureEnabled;
public bool isMediaFailureEnabled
        return _isMediaFailureEnabled;

        if (_isMediaFailureEnabled != value)
            _isMediaFailureEnabled = value;
            if (_isMediaFailureEnabled)
                mediaElementOne.MediaFailed += MediaElementOne_MediaFailed;
                mediaElementOne.MediaFailed -= MediaElementOne_MediaFailed;
                // OR
                // mediaElementOne.MediaFailed = null;

You will have to inspire from this pattern and adapt to your code, but this should accomplish what you want.您将不得不从这种模式中获得灵感并适应您的代码,但这应该可以实现您想要的。


Thought about this more for some reason and arrived at an alternative which is very similar to what Maurice came up with, by using a level of abstraction to solve the problem.出于某种原因,对此进行了更多思考,并通过使用抽象级别来解决问题,得出了与 Maurice 提出的非常相似的替代方案。

Define a wrapper or the failed event:定义包装器或失败事件:


Always let this be called, and only call your original event handler when your boolean is true:总是让它被调用,并且只有当你的布尔值为真时才调用你原来的事件处理程序:

private void Media_Failure_Wrapper(object sender, ExceptionRoutedEventArgs e)
    if (_isMediaFailureEnabled)
        return Media_Failure(sender, e);
        e.Handled = true;

Here is a way to do it( without any extra lib like interactivity etc).这是一种方法(没有任何额外的库,如交互性等)。

Create a helper class: (which gives you flexibility to write down logic for events and/or behaviors and/or triggers and/or command bindings and/or a middle layer for event handling).创建一个辅助类:(它使您可以灵活地为事件和/或行为和/或触发器和/或命令绑定和/或用于事件处理的中间层编写逻辑)。

public class RoutedEventTrigger : FrameworkElement
    RoutedEvent _routedEvent;
    public RoutedEvent RoutedEvent
        get { return _routedEvent; }
        set { _routedEvent = value; }

    private Action<object, RoutedEventArgs> handler;
    public Action<object, RoutedEventArgs> Handler
        get { return handler; }
        set { handler = value; }

    public static DataTemplate GetTemplate(DependencyObject obj)
        return (DataTemplate)obj.GetValue(TemplateProperty);

    public static void SetTemplate(DependencyObject obj, DataTemplate value)
        obj.SetValue(TemplateProperty, value);

    public static readonly DependencyProperty TemplateProperty =
        new PropertyMetadata(default(DataTemplate), OnTemplateChanged));

    private static void OnTemplateChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        DataTemplate dt = (DataTemplate)e.NewValue;
        if (dt != null)
            RoutedEventTrigger ih = (RoutedEventTrigger)dt.LoadContent();
            (d as FrameworkElement).AddHandler(ih.RoutedEvent, new RoutedEventHandler(ih.OnRoutedEvent));                

    void OnRoutedEvent(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
        Handler.Invoke(sender, args);

XAMl: (Just set the helper class properties from XAML and this will work with any element.) XAMl:(只需从 XAML 设置帮助程序类属性,这将适用于任何元素。)

<Button Height="100" Width="200" Content="Click" Name="mybutton" >
        <Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
                <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsEventAttached}" Value="true">
                    <Setter  Property="local:RoutedEventTrigger.Template">
                                <local:RoutedEventTrigger RoutedEvent="Button.Click" Handler="MySlider_ValueChanged" />

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