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[英]How to get console logs remote java application

I'm currently working on GPS tracking device which has a application running in java. 我目前正在研究GPS跟踪设备,该设备具有在Java中运行的应用程序。 I'm trying to debug the application as a remote java application. 我正在尝试将应用程序调试为远程Java应用程序。

I was able to successfully start the debug and step through the code but I was not able to get console out put to eclipse. 我能够成功启动调试并逐步执行代码,但无法使控制台退出Eclipse。 Can you tell me how to get the console output to eclipse. 您能告诉我如何使控制台输出超过Eclipse吗?

This device is connected via USB. 该设备通过USB连接。

log4j for logging into console. log4j用于登录控制台。 It works for me 这个对我有用

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