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Python-ONVIF 云台控制——绝对和相对移动

[英]Python-ONVIF PTZ control -- Absolute and Relative Move

I am developing an application in Python to control ONVIF-compatible cameras.我正在用 Python 开发一个应用程序来控制兼容 ONVIF 的相机。

Software: Debian Wheezy, Python 2.7, Quatanium python-onvif client软件:Debian Wheezy、Python 2.7、Quatanium python-onvif 客户端

Hardware: Raspberry Pi 2 B, IP camera on local router, wifi/VNC for development硬件:Raspberry Pi 2 B,本地路由器上的 IP 摄像头,用于开发的 wifi/VNC

The required PTZ functions include Absolute Move, Relative Move, Continuous Move, Stop and using Preset positions.所需的 PTZ 功能包括绝对移动、相对移动、连续移动、停止和使用预设位置。 With the extracted test code below, I have all of that working except Absolute and Relative Moves.使用下面提取的测试代码,除了绝对和相对移动之外,我可以完成所有工作。 All of this code executes without any errors but the camera does not move for the Absolute or Relative Moves.所有这些代码都没有任何错误地执行,但相机不会因绝对或相对移动而移动。 I hope someone can suggest the problem with those two functions.我希望有人可以提出这两个功能的问题。 The example is a bit long but I have tried to include enough code to show the contrast between working and non-working (with upper-case comments) portions for reference and test.这个例子有点长,但我试图包含足够的代码来显示工作和非工作(带有大写注释)部分之间的对比,以供参考和测试。

A test sketch:测试草图:


#Test of Python and Quatanium Python-ONVIF with NETCAT camera PT-PTZ2087
#ONVIF Client implementation is in Python
#For IP control of PTZ, the camera should be compliant with ONVIF Profile S
#The PTZ2087 reports it is ONVIF 2.04 but is actually 2.4 (Netcat said text not changed after upgrade)

import onvifconfig

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #Do all setup initializations
    ptz = onvifconfig.ptzcam()

# IP camera motion tests
    print 'Starting tests...'

    #Set preset
    ptz.move_pan(1.0, 1)  #move to a new home position

    # move right -- (velocity, duration of move)
    ptz.move_pan(1.0, 2)

    # move left
    ptz.move_pan(-1.0, 2)

    # move down
    ptz.move_tilt(-1.0, 2)

    # Move up
    ptz.move_tilt(1.0, 2)

    # zoom in
    ptz.zoom(8.0, 2)

    # zoom out
    ptz.zoom(-8.0, 2)

    #Absolute pan-tilt (pan position, tilt position, velocity)
    ptz.move_abspantilt(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    ptz.move_abspantilt(1.0, -1.0, 1.0)

    #Relative move (pan increment, tilt increment, velocity)
    ptz.move_relative(0.5, 0.5, 8.0)

    #Get presets
    #Go back to preset


The referenced class:引用的类:

#IP Camera control
#Control methods:
#   rtsp video streaming via OpenCV for frame capture
#   ONVIF for PTZ control
#   ONVIF for setup selections
# Starting point for this code was from:
# https://github.com/quatanium/python-onvif

import sys

from onvif import ONVIFCamera
from time import sleep

class ptzcam():
    def __init__(self):
        print 'IP camera initialization'

    #Several cameras that have been tried  -------------------------------------
    #Netcat camera (on my local network) Port 8899
        self.mycam = ONVIFCamera('', 8899, 'admin', 'admin', '/etc/onvif/wsdl/')
    #This is a demo camera that anyone can use for testing
    #Toshiba IKS-WP816R
        #self.mycam = ONVIFCamera('', 80, 'toshiba', 'security', '/etc/onvif/wsdl/')

        print 'Connected to ONVIF camera'
        # Create media service object
        self.media = self.mycam.create_media_service()
        print 'Created media service object'
        # Get target profile
        self.media_profile = self.media.GetProfiles()[0]
        # Use the first profile and Profiles have at least one
        token = self.media_profile._token

    #PTZ controls  -------------------------------------------------------------
        # Create ptz service object
        print 'Creating PTZ object'
        self.ptz = self.mycam.create_ptz_service()
        print 'Created PTZ service object'

        #Get available PTZ services
        request = self.ptz.create_type('GetServiceCapabilities')
        Service_Capabilities = self.ptz.GetServiceCapabilities(request)
        print 'PTZ service capabilities:'
        print Service_Capabilities

        #Get PTZ status
        status = self.ptz.GetStatus({'ProfileToken':token})
        print 'PTZ status:'
        print status
        print 'Pan position:', status.Position.PanTilt._x
        print 'Tilt position:', status.Position.PanTilt._y
        print 'Zoom position:', status.Position.Zoom._x
        print 'Pan/Tilt Moving?:', status.MoveStatus.PanTilt

        # Get PTZ configuration options for getting option ranges
        request = self.ptz.create_type('GetConfigurationOptions')
        request.ConfigurationToken = self.media_profile.PTZConfiguration._token
        ptz_configuration_options = self.ptz.GetConfigurationOptions(request)
        print 'PTZ configuration options:'
        print ptz_configuration_options

        self.requestc = self.ptz.create_type('ContinuousMove')
        self.requestc.ProfileToken = self.media_profile._token

        self.requesta = self.ptz.create_type('AbsoluteMove')
        self.requesta.ProfileToken = self.media_profile._token
        print 'Absolute move options'
        print self.requesta

        self.requestr = self.ptz.create_type('RelativeMove')
        self.requestr.ProfileToken = self.media_profile._token
        print 'Relative move options'
        print self.requestr

        self.requests = self.ptz.create_type('Stop')
        self.requests.ProfileToken = self.media_profile._token

        self.requestp = self.ptz.create_type('SetPreset')
        self.requestp.ProfileToken = self.media_profile._token

        self.requestg = self.ptz.create_type('GotoPreset')
        self.requestg.ProfileToken = self.media_profile._token

        print 'Initial PTZ stop'

#Stop pan, tilt and zoom
    def stop(self):
        self.requests.PanTilt = True
        self.requests.Zoom = True
        print 'Stop:'
        #print self.requests
        print 'Stopped'

#Continuous move functions
    def perform_move(self, timeout):
        # Start continuous move
        ret = self.ptz.ContinuousMove(self.requestc)
        print 'Continuous move completed', ret
        # Wait a certain time
        # Stop continuous move

    def move_tilt(self, velocity, timeout):
        print 'Move tilt...', velocity
        self.requestc.Velocity.PanTilt._x = 0.0
        self.requestc.Velocity.PanTilt._y = velocity

    def move_pan(self, velocity, timeout):
        print 'Move pan...', velocity
        self.requestc.Velocity.PanTilt._x = velocity
        self.requestc.Velocity.PanTilt._y = 0.0

    def zoom(self, velocity, timeout):
        print 'Zoom...', velocity
        self.requestc.Velocity.Zoom._x = velocity

#Absolute move functions --NO ERRORS BUT CAMERA DOES NOT MOVE
    def move_abspantilt(self, pan, tilt, velocity):
        self.requesta.Position.PanTilt._x = pan
        self.requesta.Position.PanTilt._y = tilt
        self.requesta.Speed.PanTilt._x = velocity
        self.requesta.Speed.PanTilt._y = velocity
        print 'Absolute move to:', self.requesta.Position
        print 'Absolute speed:',self.requesta.Speed
        ret = self.ptz.AbsoluteMove(self.requesta)
        print 'Absolute move pan-tilt requested:', pan, tilt, velocity
        print 'Absolute move completed', ret


#Relative move functions --NO ERRORS BUT CAMERA DOES NOT MOVE
    def move_relative(self, pan, tilt, velocity):
        self.requestr.Translation.PanTilt._x = pan
        self.requestr.Translation.PanTilt._y = tilt
        self.requestr.Speed.PanTilt._x = velocity
        ret = self.requestr.Speed.PanTilt._y = velocity
        print 'Relative move pan-tilt', pan, tilt, velocity
        print 'Relative move completed', ret

#Sets preset set, query and and go to
    def set_preset(self, name):
        self.requestp.PresetName = name
        self.requestp.PresetToken = '1'
        self.preset = self.ptz.SetPreset(self.requestp)  #returns the PresetToken
        print 'Set Preset:'
        print self.preset

    def get_preset(self):
        self.ptzPresetsList = self.ptz.GetPresets(self.requestc)
        print 'Got preset:'
        print self.ptzPresetsList[0]

    def goto_preset(self, name):
        self.requestg.PresetToken = '1'
        print 'Going to Preset:'
        print name

@Ottavio, Sorry that I did not make it clear that the camera I used for this test, a Netcat PT-PTZ2084XM-A reported via ONVIF query that it did support Absolute and Relative moves. @Ottavio,抱歉,我没有明确说明我用于此测试的摄像头 Netcat PT-PTZ2084XM-A 通过 ONVIF 查询报告它确实支持绝对和相对移动。 I have subsequently verified via the onvif.org site that this camera has not been tested and verified to meet onvif standards.我随后通过 onvif.org 网站确认该相机尚未经过测试和验证,符合 onvif 标准。 I also have verified that the above code does work correctly with a Amcrest IP2M-841B ptz camera.我还验证了上述代码与 Amcrest IP2M-841B ptz 摄像机一起正常工作。 The upshot of all of this is to never trust the claim that a camera is ONVIF 2.x compatible without testing it.所有这一切的结果是永远不要相信未经测试的相机与 ONVIF 2.x 兼容的说法。 Even the Amcrest has problems with both ONVIF and cgi commands for zoom.即使是 Amcrest 也有 ONVIF 和 cgi 命令的缩放问题。 Neither Netcat nor Amcrest have been very helpful in resolving these technical problems. Netcat 和 Amcrest 在解决这些技术问题方面都没有很大帮助。

AbsoluteMake and RelativeMove in the Profile S specifications are CONDITIONAL MANDATORY , thus it is not guaranteed a-priori that they are supported. Profile S 规范中的AbsoluteMakeRelativeMoveCONDITIONAL MANDATORY ,因此不能保证先验地支持它们。

You need to check the camera's features.您需要检查相机的功能。

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