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BLE Android - onConnectionStateChange 未被调用

[英]BLE Android - onConnectionStateChange not being called

I have a problem trying to connect to a peripheral.我在尝试连接到外围设备时遇到问题。 Sometimes the callback onConnectionStateChange(...) is not called after BluetoothDevice#connectGatt(...) .有时回调onConnectionStateChange(...)不会在BluetoothDevice#connectGatt(...)之后调用。 What I'm trying to achieve is fast and short connections triggered by user action.我想要实现的是由用户操作触发的快速和短连接。

This situation occurs about 1 every 10 times without specific prior action.这种情况大约每 10 次发生 1 次,无需事先采取具体行动。 It lasts about 20 to 30 seconds or until the application is killed and reopened.它持续大约 20 到 30 秒或直到应用程序被终止并重新打开。 The normal sequence of steps I follow is:我遵循的正常步骤顺序是:

  1. Scan devices to find the peripheral.扫描设备以查找外围设备。
  2. Call BluetoothDevice#connectGatt(...) .调用BluetoothDevice#connectGatt(...) If it takes longer than 1 second to connect, it means that the connection is "stuck" and therefore it won't connect, so BluetoothDevice#connectGatt(...) is called again.如果连接时间超过 1 秒,则表示连接“卡住”,因此无法连接,因此再次调用BluetoothDevice#connectGatt(...) This is done with a limit of 5 attempts.这是通过 5 次尝试的限制来完成的。
  3. onConnectionStateChange(...) is called with newState CONNECTED and begins the services discovery. onConnectionStateChange(...)使用newState CONNECTED 调用并开始服务发现。
  4. The rest of the operations are performed without problems.其余的操作都没有问题。
  5. After disconnection BluetoothGatt#close() is called.断开连接后BluetoothGatt#close()被调用。

The problem occurs at point 3. Sometimes onConnectionStateChange(...) is not called.问题出现在第 3 点。有时不调用onConnectionStateChange(...) I have noticed that most of the times the problem starts with a specific behavior.我注意到大多数时候问题始于特定行为。 After calling BluetoothDevice#connectGatt(...) , onConnectionStateChange(...) is called with newState CONNECTED, but almost immediately afterwards (~40 milliseconds) is called again with newStatus DISCONNECTED.在调用BluetoothDevice#connectGatt(...) ,使用newState CONNECTED 调用onConnectionStateChange(...) ,但几乎立即(~40 毫秒)再次使用newStatus DISCONNECTED 调用。 Due to the short time of the status change, I can deduce that the device does not even tried to make the connection and changed the state to DISCONNECTED.由于状态变化的时间很短,我可以推断该设备甚至没有尝试建立连接并将状态更改为 DISCONNECTED。 The problem ends when:问题在以下情况下结束:

  1. 20-30 seconds have passed. 20-30 秒过去了。 During this time onConnectionStateChange(...) is never called.在此期间,从未调用过onConnectionStateChange(...) When the problem ends, onConnectionStateChange(...) is called the number of times that the app tried to connect.当问题结束时, onConnectionStateChange(...)被称为应用程序尝试连接的次数。 For example, if BluetoothDevice#connectGatt(...) is called 15 times, onConnectionStateChange(...) is called 15 times with newState equal to DISCONNECTED.例如,如果BluetoothDevice#connectGatt(...)被调用 15 次,则onConnectionStateChange(...)被调用 15 次, newState等于 DISCONNECTED。 This is curious because never in any of those connection attempts the status changed to CONNECTED.这很奇怪,因为在任何这些连接尝试中,状态都不会更改为 CONNECTED。
  2. The app is killed and started again.该应用程序被杀死并重新启动。

This error occurs in SDK18 and SDK 21.此错误发生在 SDK18 和 SDK 21 中。

public void onLeScan(final BluetoothDevice device, int rssi, byte[] scanRecord) {
    String deviceName = device.getName();
    if (deviceName == null) return;
    Log.d("BLUETOOTH CONNECTION", "Device found: " + device.getName());
    if (mMode == SCAN_MODE) {
        mListener.deviceFound(device, rssi, scanRecord);
    else {
        mDevices.put(device.hashCode(), device);
        // Samsung devices with SDK 18 or 19 requires that connectGatt is called in main thread.
        mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                Log.d("BLUETOOTH CONNECTION", "Executing first device.connectGatt()");
                BluetoothGatt gatt = device.connectGatt(mContext, false, mGattCallback);
                retryIfNecessary(device, gatt);
                mTryingToConnect = true;
private void retryIfNecessary(final BluetoothDevice device, final BluetoothGatt gatt) {
    if (isRetryLimitReached()) {
        Log.d("BLUETOOTH CONNECTION", "Try count limit reached");
        mRetryCount = 0;
    mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            Log.d("BLUETOOTH CONNECTION", "Check if it is frozen.");
            if (isWorking()) {
                Log.d("BLUETOOTH CONNECTION", "Frozen, create new connection.");
                BluetoothGatt gatt = device.connectGatt(mContext, false, mGattCallback);
                retryIfNecessary(device, gatt);
    public void onConnectionStateChange(final BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int newState) {
        Log.d("BLUETOOTH CONNECTION", "On connection state changed. Device: "+ gatt.getDevice().getAddress());
        if (!mConnected && BluetoothGatt.STATE_CONNECTED == newState) {
            Log.d("BLUETOOTH CONNECTION", "Connected");
            mTryingToConnect = false;
            mTryingToDiscoverServices = true;
            mConnected = true;
        else if(BluetoothGatt.STATE_DISCONNECTED == newState) {
            Log.d("BLUETOOTH CONNECTION", "Disconnected and closing gatt.");
            mConnected = false;
            if (!mConnectionFinished && mRetryCount == 0) {

I think that the peripheral is not relevant, because the iOS app can always connect without this problem.我认为外围设备无关,因为iOS应用程序始终可以连接而不会出现此问题。

Any ideas?有任何想法吗? Thanks in advance.提前致谢。


This answer say that: 这个回答说:

Direct connection has interval of 60ms and window of 30ms so connections complete much faster.直接连接的间隔为 60 毫秒,窗口为 30 毫秒,因此连接完成得更快。 Additionally there can only be one direct connection request pending at a time and it times out after 30 seconds.此外,一次只能有一个直接连接请求未决,并且在 30 秒后超时。 onConnectionStateChange() gets called with state=2, status=133 to indicate this timeout. onConnectionStateChange() 以 state=2, status=133 调用以指示此超时。

So in this 30 seconds interval there is a pending connection request and times out at the second 30. It's unlikely but, is there anything I can do to make this time shorter?所以在这 30 秒的时间间隔内有一个挂起的连接请求并在第二个 30 处超时。这不太可能,但是,我可以做些什么来缩短这个时间? Or maybe there is an explanation for the connection failure that I am not seeing.或者也许有我没有看到的连接失败的解释。 Thanks.谢谢。

EDIT 02/03/2016编辑 02/03/2016

A new information that may help.可能有帮助的新信息。 When the problem starts (when onConnectionStateChange(...) is called with newState=DISCONNECTED after ~40ms of being called with newState=CONNECTED ), the status is 62 = 0x03E.当问题开始时(当使用newState=CONNECTED调用约 40 毫秒后使用newState=DISCONNECTED调用onConnectionStateChange(...)时),状态为 62 = 0x03E。 Looking here that status code means GATT_CONN_FAIL_ESTABLISH. 在这里查看状态代码意味着 GATT_CONN_FAIL_ESTABLISH。 When I detect this status I'm closing the gatt connection, but the problem persists.当我检测到此状态时,我正在关闭 gatt 连接,但问题仍然存在。 I also tried disconnecting and closing.我也尝试断开和关闭。 Ideas?想法? Thanks.谢谢。

If someone is having a similar issue, the problem was finally solved by changing the BLE chip used by the peripheral (arduino).如果有人遇到类似的问题,最终通过更换外设(arduino)使用的BLE芯片解决了问题。 Before that change, a workaround I found was turning off and on the BLE after each connection.在此更改之前,我发现的解决方法是在每次连接后关闭和打开 BLE。 The solution was not perfect, but improved the connection rate a lot.解决方案并不完美,但提高了很多连接率。

Android Bluetooth needs to be recycled occasionally, have you tried restarting the BLE on the device when you encounter this timeount? Android蓝牙偶尔需要回收,遇到这个timeout时有没有试过重启设备上的BLE?

Here's a snippet I've used to restart the BLE when strange things start happening.这是当奇怪的事情开始发生时我用来重新启动 BLE 的片段。

static Handler mHandler = new Handler();
public static void restartBle() {
    final BluetoothManager mgr = (BluetoothManager) ApplicationBase.getAppContext().getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE);
    final BluetoothAdapter adp = mgr.getAdapter();
    if (null != adp) {
        if (adp.isEnabled()) {

            // TODO: display some kind of UI about restarting BLE
            mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    if (!adp.isEnabled()) {
                    } else {
                        mHandler.postDelayed(this, 2500);
            }, 2500);

I am not sure if you're still looking for an answer for this question.我不确定你是否还在寻找这个问题的答案。 Personally, I would not advise making "fast and short connections triggered by user action" for low energy devices.就个人而言,我不建议为低能耗设备进行“由用户操作触发的快速和短连接”。 Instead you could set the autoConnect option to "true" in your connectGatt method.相反,您可以在 connectGatt 方法中将 autoConnect 选项设置为“true”。

device.connectGatt(mContext, true, mGattCallback); device.connectGatt(mContext, true, mGattCallback); [instead of false] [而不是假的]

Hope it helps!希望能帮助到你!

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