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[英]Understanding Netconf and Yang in NMS

I am really new to Network management systems where object modelling, netconf and Yang being used widely. 我真的是网络管理系统的新手,在该系统中,对象建模,netconf和Yang被广泛使用。

I would like to know if there is any list of books or articles to follow to understand the whole concept. 我想知道是否有任何书籍或文章清单可以用来理解整个概念。 Any opensource projects in C and python for handson experience with the same would be of great help. 任何使用C和python进行实践体验的开源项目都将有很大的帮助。

Try downloading Confd-basic from tail-f. 尝试从tail-f下载Confd-basic。 It has lots of documentation, tutorials and it is a top-tied config management framework. 它具有大量的文档和教程,并且是顶级的配置管理框架。 https://developer.cisco.com/site/confD/downloads/ https://developer.cisco.com/site/confD/downloads/

There is a book due to be published by Addison Wesley on May 10, 2019: Addison Wesley将于2019年5月10日出版一本书:

Network Programmability with YANG: Data Modeling-driven Management with YANG. YANG的网络可编程性:YANG的数据建模驱动的管理。

by Benoit Claise, Joe Clarke and Jan Lindblad. 由Benoit Claise,Joe Clarke和Jan Lindblad撰写。

According to the preview book cover it will cover the structure of network automation with YANG, NETCONF, RESTCONF and friends. 根据预览书的封面,它将与YANG,NETCONF,RESTCONF和朋友一起介绍网络自动化的结构。

In terms of open source software, the yuma123 and netopeer2 projects both have NETCONF Client and Server implementations written in C. 在开源软件方面, yuma123netopeer2项目都具有用C编写的NETCONF Client和Server实现。

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