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[英]return a value from a javascript callback

I need to pass a value to a function, which contains a modifier method, and then return the modified value. 我需要将一个值传递给包含修改器方法的函数,然后return修改后的值。

What's the best way to do this? 最好的方法是什么?

I have a read function (which parses content) and a scan function (which looks for a word in the content. 我有一个read功能(用于解析内容)和一个scan功能(用于在内容中查找单词)。

I have the following code so far: 到目前为止,我有以下代码:

scanContent = function(url){
  read(url, function(err, article, meta) {

      var content = article.title + article.content

      return scan(content)

    return scan(content)

  return scan(content)


This obviously doesn't work, but I'm not really sure what the right approach is here. 这显然是行不通的,但是我不确定这是什么正确的方法。

You need to provide callback function parameter and call it with your result: 您需要提供回调函数参数,并将其与您的结果一起调用:

function byThree(n, callback) {
    var x = n * 3;
var multiply = function(n, callback) {
    byThree(n, function(result) {

multiply(5, function(result) {
    console.log('result: ' + result);
function byThree(n){
    return n * 3;
multiply = function(n){
    return byThree(n);
console.log("result: "+multiply(5));

Though the following makes more sense: 尽管以下更有意义:

function multiply(n, m){
    return n * m;
console.log("result: "+multiply(5, 3));

And the following makes even more sense: 以下内容更有意义:

console.log("result: " + 5 * 3);

If function gets a meaningful result from an inner callback, then it can return a meaningful result only by another callback. 如果函数从内部回调获得有意义的结果,则它只能通过另一个回调返回有意义的结果。 You can't trick the program flow. 您不能欺骗程序流程。

So, it would be like that: 因此,就像这样:

var scanContent = function(url, cb){
  read(url, function(err, article, meta) {
      var content = article.title + article.content

      return cb(scan(content)); // asume 'scan' is defined elsewhere

scanContent(function(text) { console.log(text); });

This could lead to the callback hell . 这可能会导致回调地狱 There is Promise from ES6 to avoid that. ES6 承诺避免这种情况。 And generators to make the code even more straightforward. 生成器使代码更加直接。

With Promises (and arrow functions): 具有承诺(和箭头功能):

var scanContent = function(url){
  // simplified; it's better to always return a promise in the real code
  return read(url).then((err, article) => scan(article.title + article.content));

scanContent('example.com').then((text) => console.log(text));

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