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人偶代理登录Fedora / var / log / puppet空

[英]Puppet agent logs on Fedora /var/log/puppet empty

I installed puppet on Fedora 22 using the package provided by the fedora dnf repo. 我使用fedora dnf存储库提供的软件包在Fedora 22上安装了木偶。 Everything is working great. 一切都很好。 I get configurations applied from the puppet master just fine. 我从木偶大师那里得到的配置就很好了。 However, I would like to see notices when configurations are applied. 但是,我想在应用配置时看到一些通知。 I assumed that since that these would show up in /var/log/puppet, but that directory is empty even when it's recently applied a new configuration from an interval run. 我假设由于这些文件将显示在/ var / log / puppet中,但是即使最近从间隔运行中应用了新配置,该目录也为空。

Here is how I start the puppet agent: 这是我启动人偶代理的方法:

systemctl start puppet

Here is my log config: 这是我的日志配置:

[root@host ~]# puppet agent --configprint all |grep -i log
agent_catalog_run_lockfile = /var/lib/puppet/state/agent_catalog_run.lock
catalog_cache_terminus = json
catalog_terminus = rest
log_level = notice
logdir = /var/log/puppet
masterhttplog = /var/log/puppet/masterhttp.log
puppetdlog = /var/log/puppet/puppetd.log
syslogfacility = daemon
use_cached_catalog = false
[root@host ~]# 

Here is the puppet command running: 这是运行的puppet命令:

[root@host ~]# ps aux |grep puppet
root      9610  0.0  3.7 252104 37868 ?        Ssl  20:43   0:01 /usr/bin/ruby-mri /usr/bin/puppet agent --no-daemonize
root     11520  0.0  0.2 114328  2100 pts/0    S+   21:25   0:00 grep --color=auto puppet
[root@host ~]# 

So it looks like based on the config, log_level is set to Notice and logs should be put in /var/log/puppet. 因此,根据配置,log_level设置为Notice,并且日志应放在/ var / log / puppet中。

There is a /var/log/puppet directory but it's empty, even though I know puppet is running and applying new configs, because I see the changes showing up on the agent host. 有一个/ var / log / puppet目录,但是它是空的,即使我知道puppet正在运行并正在应用新配置,因为我看到了代理主机上显示的更改。

Can anyone tell me how to actually get logs written on the agent? 谁能告诉我如何实际在代理上写入日志?

Thank you! 谢谢!


journalctl -u puppet -f

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