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Dreamweaver-搜索所有没有HTML文件的文件 <header> 标签

[英]Dreamweaver - Search in all html files which does not have <header> tag

I am using dreamweaver CC version. 我正在使用Dreamweaver CC版本。

I want to search in all HTML files which does not have <header> tag.. 我想搜索所有没有<header>标记的HTML文件。

Having 130 html files, out of these I have around 50 files without <header> tag, how can I search and replace in these html files? 有130个html文件,其中有大约50个没有 <header>标记的文件,如何在这些html文件中进行搜索和替换?

Choose Edit > Find and Replace, or press Ctrl-F (Cmd-F). 选择“编辑”>“查找和替换”,或按Ctrl-F(Cmd-F)。

The Find and Replace dialog appears. 出现“查找和替换”对话框。

From the Find in pop-up menu, choose one of the options for the scope of your search. 从“查找范围”弹出菜单中,选择搜索范围的选项之一。

From the Search pop-up menu, choose Source Code 从“搜索”弹出菜单中,选择“源代码”

Choose Source Code to search the HTML in Code view. 选择“源代码”以在“代码”视图中搜索HTML。

In the Find field, type the word or phrase that you're looking for. 在“查找”字段中,输入要查找的单词或短语。 In the Replace field, type the replacement word or phrase. 在替换字段中,输入替换词或短语。 Depending on what you want to do, click Find Next, Find All, Replace, or Replace All. 根据您要执行的操作,单击“查找下一个”,“全部查找”,“替换”或“全部替换”。

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