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[英]Javascript: Convert string to object

How can i convert this string into object so that i can access it's property like obj.Name ? 如何将此字符串转换为对象,以便我可以访问它的属性,如obj.Name

    Name = Mahbubr Rahman, 
    Gender = Male, 
    Birthday = 1 / 5 / 1992 6: 00: 00 AM, 
    Email = mahbubur.rahman@ rms.com, 
    EmployeeType = Manager

I have tried with JSON.parse() and eval but getting nothing. 我已经尝试过JSON.parse()eval但什么都没得到。 Any help ? 有帮助吗?

var obj = JSON.parse(
  JSON.stringify('{ Name = Mahbubr Rahman,Gender = Male, Birthday = 1/5/1992 6:00:00 AM, Email = mahbubur.rahman@rms.com, EmployeeType = Manager }'.replace(/=/g, ':'))

You can do it like following. 你可以像下面这样做。 Wrap all property name and value with double quotes (") and replace = with : . 用双引号(“)和replace = with :包装所有属性名称和值。

var st = '{ Name = Mahbubr Rahman, Gender = Male, Birthday = 1/5/1992 6:00:00 AM, Email = mahbubur.rahman@rms.com, EmployeeType = Manager }';
st = st.replace(/=/g, '":"');
st = st.replace(/{/g, '{"');
st = st.replace(/}/g, '"}');
st = st.replace(/,/g, '","');

var obj = JSON.parse(st);


You can try something like this: 你可以尝试这样的事情:

 var str = '{ Name = Mahbubr Rahman,Gender = Male, Birthday = 1/5/1992 6:00:00 AM, Email = mahbubur.rahman@rms.com, EmployeeType = Manager }'; str = str.replace(/=/g, '\\":\\"'); str = str.replace(/,/g, "\\", \\""); str = str.replace(/{/g, "{\\""); str = str.replace(/}/g, "\\"}"); console.log(str); var obj = JSON.parse(str); console.log(obj); 

try this one as well 试试这个

 var str = "{ Name = Mahbubr Rahman,Gender = Male, Birthday = 1/5/1992 6:00:00 AM, Email = mahbubur.rahman@rms.com, EmployeeType = Manager }" var obj = JSON.parse(str.split(/\\s*=\\s*/).join("\\":\\"").split(/\\s*,\\s*/).join("\\",\\"").split(/{\\s*/).join("{\\"").split(/\\s*}/).join("\\"}")); console.log(obj); 

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