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[英]Data binding in DataTemplate of ListBox

I have a list box defined as below in xaml: 我在xaml中定义了一个列表框,如下所示:

      <Style TargetType="ListBoxItem">
         <Setter Property="Template">
                     <Ellipse Visibility="{Binding IsSelected, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}" />
          <TextBlock x:Name="tb_Text" Text="{Binding IsSelected}"> </TextBlock>

I want to bind some property of tb_Text (say text property) to some property of the datacontext of the listbox (IsSelected property in this example). 我想将tb_Text的某些属性(例如text属性)绑定到列表框的datacontext的某些属性(在此示例中为IsSelected属性)。 Is there a way to achieve that? 有办法实现吗?

Note: IsSelected property is coming from the templated parent which has this listbox defined in it's Template. 注意: IsSelected属性来自模板化父级,该模板化父级在模板中定义了此列表框。


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