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[英]Rspec test of the object method call in controller

I want to test that a controller create and update actions call a process method on the MentionService instance. 我想测试控制器创建和更新操作在MentionService实例上调用流程方法。

In controller I have MentionService.new(post).process 在控制器中我有MentionService.new(post).process

This is my current spec: 这是我目前的规格:

it "calls MentionService if a post has been submitted" do
  post = Post.new(new_post_params)
  mention_service = MentionService.new(post)
  expect(mention_service).to receive(:process)
  xhr(:post, :create, company_id: company.id, remark: new_post_params)

In the controller actions I have: 在控制器动作中,我有:

def create
  # after save

What I get is: 我得到的是:

expected: 1 time with any arguments
received: 0 times with any arguments

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗? Thanks. 谢谢。

The problem is that you're creating a new instance in your test and expect that instance to receive :process which will not work. 问题是您要在测试中创建一个新实例,并希望该实例接收:process而不起作用。

Try playing around with this snippet: 尝试使用以下代码片段:

let(:service) { double(:service) }

it "calls MentionService if a post has been submitted" do
  expect(MentionService).to receive(:new).with(post).and_return(service)
  expect(service).to receive(:process)
  xhr(:post, :create, company_id: company.id, remark: new_post_params)

You need to tell your MentionService class to receive :new and return a mock object, which will receive :process . 您需要告诉MentionService类接收:new并返回一个模拟对象,该对象将接收:process If that is the case, you know the call sequence succeeded. 在这种情况下,您知道调用顺序已成功。


expect_any_instance_of(MentionService).to receive(:process)

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