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[英]Push array into Nested array javascript

I have some code like this: 我有一些这样的代码:

var array=[[[[[[1],2],3],4],5],6]

I know how to retrieve the innermost array, but I don't know how to push a new array [0] into the innermost array. 我知道如何检索最里面的数组,但是我不知道如何将新数组[0]推入最里面的数组。

Is this possible? 这可能吗?

I suppose you want to add new inner-most array on the first position. 我想您想在第一个位置添加新的最里面的数组。 You can use unshift function: 您可以使用取消移位功能:


Try this one 试试这个

var array=[[[[[[1],2],3],4],5],6];
function pushNew(arr, newElement){
  if(arr[0].length === 2){
    pushNew(arr[0], newElement);
  } else {

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