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[英]2 and more characters are shown when onclick function is called

Functionality: 功能:

User have to click on the drawn keyboard keypad on the screen to input name and email. 用户必须单击屏幕上绘制的键盘小键盘以输入名称和电子邮件。 Character will then be displayed in the input box. 字符将显示在输入框中。

What has been done: 已经做了什么:

Created the html keyboard and also the keyboard script. 创建了html键盘以及键盘脚本。 Hence, functionally, the keyboard is shown and the keyboard functionality is working. 因此,从功能上显示了键盘,并且键盘功能正在运行。

Issue: 问题:

when the page is first loaded, the keyboard function is working properly, hence when the page is loaded and when user clicks on the keyboard, the character is displayed. 首次加载页面时,键盘功能正常工作,因此,在加载页面以及用户单击键盘时,将显示字符。 However, after a period of idletime, when user uses the keyboard, the character displayed is not displayed correctly. 但是,经过一段时间的空闲时间后,当用户使用键盘时,显示的字符无法正确显示。

Hence, the error features is this: eg if user clicks on the character 'c' on the keyboard, rightfully, 'c' is supposed to be displayed in the input box, however, at this point when user clicks on'c', multiple 'c' is being displayed in the input box. 因此,错误特征是这样的:例如,如果用户单击键盘上的字符“ c”,则应正确地将“ c”显示在输入框中,但是,此时用户单击“ c”,输入框中将显示多个“ c”。

I am at a loss at what has happened and how could I rectify the issue. 我对所发生的事情以及如何纠正该问题不知所措。 This issue only happens after a period of idle. 闲置一段时间后,才会发生此问题。

 function Start() { //Method call to slide and fade in second page to the left padding $('#Email_Page').fadeIn({ duration: slideDuration, queue: false, complete: function() { //Keyboard Script $('#keyboard li').click(function() { console.log("click"); idleTime = 0; var $this = $(this), character = $this.html(); // If it's a lowercase letter, nothing happens to this variable console.log(character); // Shift keys if ($this.hasClass('left-shift') || $this.hasClass('right-shift')) { $('.letter').toggleClass('uppercase'); $('.symbol span').toggle(); shift = (shift === true) ? false : true; capslock = false; return false; } // Caps lock if ($this.hasClass('capslock')) { $('.letter').toggleClass('uppercase'); capslock = true; return false; } // Delete if ($this.hasClass('delete')) { var html = $write.val(); $write.val(html.substr(0, html.length - 1)); return false; } // Clear if ($this.hasClass('clear')) { var html = $write.val(); $write.val(""); return false; } // Special characters if ($this.hasClass('symbol')) character = $('span:visible', $this).html(); if ($this.hasClass('space')) character = ' '; if ($this.hasClass('tab')) character = "\\t"; if ($this.hasClass('return')) character = "\\n"; // Uppercase letter if ($this.hasClass('uppercase')) character = character.toUpperCase(); // Remove shift once a key is clicked. if (shift === true) { $('.symbol span').toggle(); if (capslock === false) $('.letter').toggleClass('uppercase'); shift = false; } // Add the character $write.val($write.val() + character); }); } }); } 
 // Keyboard CSS .keyboard { position: absolute; margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } .keyboard li { font-size: 30px; float: left; margin: 2 2 2 2; width: 70px; height: 70px; line-height: 80px; text-align: center; color: #716b6c; background: #e3d7d8; border: 1px solid #f9f9f9; -moz-border-radius: 5px; list-style: none; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; } .capslock, .tab, .left-shift { clear: left; } .keyboard .tab, .keyboard .delete { width: 165px; } .keyboard .capslock { width: 101px; } .keyboard .return { width: 101px; } .keyboard .left-shift { width: 165px; } .keyboard .right-shift { width: 165px; } .lastitem { margin-right: 0; } .uppercase { text-transform: uppercase; } .keyboard .space { clear: left; width: 750px; } .on { display: none; } .keyboard li:hover { position: relative; top: 1px; left: 1px; border-color: #e5e5e5; cursor: pointer; } 
 <!--Email Buttons--> <table align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="1080" top="550px"> <tr style="height: 1920;"> <td width="1080"> <ul class="keyboard" id="keyboard" style="z-index:2; position:absolute;left:120px; top:850px; color: #000000;"> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol"><span class="off">1</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol"><span class="off">2</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol"><span class="off">3</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol"><span class="off">4</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol"><span class="off">5</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol"><span class="off">6</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol"><span class="off">7</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol"><span class="off">8</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol"><span class="off">9</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol lastitem"><span class="off">0</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter" style="clear: left;">q</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">w</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">e</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">r</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">t</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">y</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">u</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">i</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">o</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter lastitem">p</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter" style="clear: left;">a</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">s</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">d</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">f</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">g</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">h</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">j</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">k</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">l</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter lastitem">z</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter" style="clear: left;">x</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">c</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">v</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">b</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">n</li></fint> <font face ="CenturyGothic"><li class="letter">m</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol"><span class="off">@</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol"><span class="off">.</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol"><span class="off">-</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol lastitem"><span class="off">_</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol" style="clear: left; width: 85px;"><span class="off">.com</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol" style="width: 215px;"><span class="off">@hotmail.com</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol" style="width: 215px;"><span class="off">@yahoo.com</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="symbol" style="width: 215px;"><span class="off">@gmail.com</span></li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="clear" style=" clear: left; width: 370px;">Clear</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"> <li class="delete lastitem" style="width: 370px;">Delete</li></font> <font face="CenturyGothic"><li class="space lastitem">Space &nbsp;</li></font> </ul> </td> </tr> </table> 

You register click event every time #Email_Page fade in. 每次#Email_Page淡入时,您都会注册click事件。

remove event first before adding new event : 在添加新事件之前先删除事件:

//Method  call to slide and fade in second page to the left padding
    duration: slideDuration,
    queue: false,
    complete: function() {

        //Keyboard Script
        $('#keyboard li').off('click').on('click',function() {    
            etc etc .....

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