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Spring Boot无法在IntelliJ中运行单个测试

[英]Spring Boot can't run single test in IntelliJ

This started happening recently, but I'm not sure what changed to cause it. 这种情况最近开始发生,但我不确定是什么改变了它。

  • When I run all tests from IntelliJ, all is well. 当我从IntelliJ运行所有测试时,一切都很顺利。 Also the gradle build is fine. gradle构建也很好。
  • When I run a single unit test, all is well. 当我进行单个单元测试时,一切都很顺利。
  • When I run a single web integration test, it fails because a config class has all null properties. 当我运行单个Web集成测试时,它会失败,因为配置类具有所有null属性。

The config class looks like (Kotlin): 配置类看起来像(Kotlin):

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "api")
public open class ApiConfigImpl : ApiConfig

A test looks like: 测试看起来像:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = arrayOf(ApplicationAssembly::class), loader = SpringApplicationContextLoader::class)
open class CandidateProfileControllerTest

    @Inject lateinit var profileRepo: CandidateProfileRepository
    //etc a few more deps used to setup test data

    open fun getById()
        val greg = CandidateProfile("123", "12312", "Greg", "Jones",   dateOfBirth = Date(), gender = Gender.MALE,
            biography = "ABC", maxMatchableAge = null,   maxMatchableDistance = null)

        val auth = given().header("content-type", "application/json")
        val accessToken: String = from(auth).get("accessToken")

        given().header("Access-Token", accessToken).
            header("API-Key", testAPIKey()).
            body("stageName", notNullValue())

I'm not sure what information I can add. 我不确定我可以添加哪些信息。 Based on the limited information provided: 根据提供的有限信息:

  • Is this a known problem with a known solution? 这是已知解决方案的已知问题吗?

这是一个在IntelliJ / Kotlin跟踪器中记录的错误,具有待定修复。

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