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[英]How to call a plugin from my .vimrc file?

I am using a VIM plugin called Goyo (for writing markdown files). 我正在使用一个名为Goyo的VIM插件(用于编写降价文件)。 It is similar to Distraction Free mode in SublimeText. 它类似于SublimeText中的免干扰模式。 I want to create a write-mode in my .vimrc that I can toggle. 我想在.vimrc中创建一个可以切换的写模式。 This toggle will set various options on in write-mode, such as set spell , set wrap etc. 此切换将在写入模式下设置各种选项,例如set spellset wrap等。

I have everything working here, except calling the Goyo function. 除了调用Goyo函数外,这里所有工作都在这里进行。 How can I execute the Goyo plugin from within my ToggleWrite() function? 如何在ToggleWrite()函数中执行Goyo插件?

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

" Write toggle switch
let b:write = "no"

function! ToggleWrite()
  if exists("b:write") && b:write == "yes"
    let b:write = "no"
    set nowrap
    set nolinebreak
    set textwidth=100
    set wrapmargin=0
    set nospell
    " ↓↓↓ I want to call this ↓↓↓
    let b:write = "yes"
    set wrap
    set linebreak
    set textwidth=100
    set wrapmargin=0
    set spell
    " ↓↓↓ I want to call this ↓↓↓
    ":Goyo 60x100%

" Set up the toggle sequence
nmap  <expr> ,w  ToggleWrite()

I put my comment as an answer: 我把我的评论作为答案:

Your mapping uses <expr> , which is not right in your case. 您的映射使用<expr> ,这种情况不适合您。 You should try this mapping instead: 您应该尝试使用此映射:

nmap ,w :call ToggleWrite()<cr>

or 要么

nmap <silent> ,w :call ToggleWrite()<cr>

<expr> lets you make "custom" mappings, depending on the return of a function. <expr>允许您根据函数的返回进行“自定义”映射。 It's rarely used in common cases. 在常见情况下很少使用。

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