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[英]vb6 data report shows designer at runtime

I'm developing an app in VB6 and added a data report bound to a data environment. 我正在VB6中开发一个应用程序,并添加了绑定到数据环境的数据报告。 I set the report as start up object, but it shows the designer and not the report viewer! 我将报表设置为启动对象,但它显示的是设计器而不是报表查看器!

I have built a new project and imported all of the objects back in but to no avail. 我建立了一个新项目,并将所有对象重新导入,但无济于事。

I did a test with a small Data Project and it worked. 我用一个小型的Data Project做了一个测试,它起作用了。

Has anyone else come across this problem? 还有其他人遇到这个问题吗?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Problem allayed due to the fact that SHAPE commands cannot be used with DISCONNECTED recordsets...which defeats what I am trying to achieve here. 由于SHAPE命令不能与DISCONNECTED记录集一起使用,因此问题得到了缓解,这使我在这里试图实现的目标无法实现。

I'll use MSAccess reports via OLE server. 我将通过OLE服务器使用MSAccess报告。

Thanks for looking anyway! 无论如何,感谢您的光临!

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