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[英]Dragging out a .zip file to download

I am creating a .zip file with node.js (using nw.js ), then sending the path to the generated file to the front-end. 我正在使用node.js (使用nw.js )创建一个.zip文件,然后将生成的文件的路径发送到前端。 I want the user to be able to drag the HTML element from the nw.js window to his desktop and change it to the .zip file on drop (checkout a simple example with another file type here ). 我希望用户能够将HTML元素从nw.js窗口拖到他的桌面上,并拖放到.zip文件中( 在这里签出一个简单的示例,其中包含另一种文件类型)。

I know I can use the dataTransfer property and set the data type to application/zip , but I don't know how to send the .zip file data with this method. 我知道我可以使用dataTransfer属性并将数据类型设置为application/zip ,但是我不知道如何使用此方法发送.zip文件数据。

React = require "react"

module.exports = React.createClass
    onDragStart : ( event ) ->
        event.dataTransfer.setData "application/zip:#{@props.path}"

    render : ->
        <div draggable="true" onDragStart={@onDragStart}>Download</div>

I guess I should create a stream for the .zip file but I have no idea how. 我想我应该为.zip文件创建一个流,但是我不知道如何。 I have access to the fs module, even on the "client" side, so there are no limits. 即使在“客户端”端,我也可以访问fs模块,因此没有限制。 Any thoughts of how can I achieve that effect? 关于如何实现这种效果的任何想法?

I figured out how to make it work. 我想出了使它工作的方法。 It was not working because I was trying to download a local file, so I created a temporary HTTP Server which returns the .zip file on every request with the MIME type set to application/zip . 由于我正在尝试下载本地文件,因此无法正常工作,因此我创建了一个临时HTTP Server,该服务器在MIME类型设置为application/zip每个请求上均返回.zip文件。 Then I just have to set the data transfer URL to http://localhost:3000 and voila. 然后,我只需要将数据传输URL设置为http://localhost:3000和voila。

Here's the code: 这是代码:

fs      = require "fs"
http    = require "http"
React   = require "react"

module.exports = React.createClass
    componentWillMount : ->
        index  = fs.readFileSync @props.path
        server = http.createServer ( request, response ) =>
            response.writeHead 200, { "Content-Type" : "application/zip" }
            response.end index

        server.listen 3000

    onRequestDownload : ( event ) ->
        event.dataTransfer.setData "DownloadURL", "application/zip:FileName.zip:http://localhost:3000"

    render : ->
        <div className="view download">
            <div className="download-item" draggable="true" onDragStart={@onRequestDownload}>Download</div>

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