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如何在Node JS中接受大量的API请求

[英]How to accept Huge amount of API requests in Node JS

I recently started learning Node JS. 我最近开始学习Node JS。 And things went pretty well. 事情进展顺利。 I saw an online tutorial and accepted GET request in my server.js file. 我在server.js文件中看到了一个在线教程并接受了GET请求。

Since I'm from a Java background, a few questions arrived into my mind and I searched them all over the Internet but could not find them out. 由于我来自Java背景,因此我想到了一些问题,我在Internet上进行了搜索,但找不到。

  1. Do I need to accept all my requests within request.js file. 我是否需要在request.js文件中接受所有请求。 Suppose if I have hundreds of GET api requests do I need to write them in my server.js file which I feel is the only entry point in Node JS. 假设我有数百个GET api请求,是否需要将它们写在server.js文件中,我认为这是Node JS的唯一入口点。

For Example: 例如:

var express=require("express");
var app=express();
    //some code here
    //some code here
    //some code here

This would make my code cumbersome and difficult to manage. 这会使我的代码繁琐且难以管理。 As I said I have a Java background and I used to separate my code in different Servlets. 就像我说的那样,我有Java背景,曾经用不同的Servlet来分隔代码。

  1. Secondly is it possible to have another entry point in Node JS. 其次,在Node JS中可以有另一个入口点。 Since my application is quite big. 由于我的应用程序很大。 Also is there a way to use Node Modules to segregate/separate my code within different modules and then include them in server.js. 还有一种使用节点模块在不同模块中隔离/分离我的代码,然后将它们包含在server.js中的方法。

Please specify some good resource or a technique how to overcome this issue. 请指定一些好的资源或技术来解决此问题。

You can easily modularize your express routes. 您可以轻松地将快递路线模块化。

To follow your example: in your project, create a directory routes and a file routes/api.js with the following contents: 遵循您的示例:在您的项目中,创建具有以下内容的目录routes和文件routes/api.js

var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();

router.get('/request1', function(req, res, next) {
router.get('/request2', function(req, res, next) {

module.exports = router;

And in your server.js : 在您的server.js

app.use('/api', require('./routes/api'));

Just in case someone has the same question you can refer to the Express routing documentation 万一有人有相同的问题,您可以参考Express路由文档

app.get(...) is just a function call. app.get(...)只是一个函数调用。 You can easily do this: 您可以轻松地做到这一点:


where those modules export function(app) { app.get(...); app.get(...); } 这些模块在哪里导出function(app) { app.get(...); app.get(...); } function(app) { app.get(...); app.get(...); }

Even better, Express.js (not Node.js - Node.js is like JVM, Express is like Tomcat) apps can mount subapps: 更好的是,Express.js(不是Node.js-Node.js就像JVM,Express就像Tomcat)可以挂载子应用程序:

app.use('/api', require('subapp'));

If subapp is a normal Express.app with, say, app.get('/request1', ...) , then, after mounting, you will have /api/request1 available to you. 如果subapp是具有例如app.get('/request1', ...)的普通Express.app,则在挂载后,您将可以使用/api/request1 (This only works for entire hierarchies; so if you want to split your /api/request1 ... /api/request100 into ten files, you might want to use the first approach, or rethink how your hierarchy works.) (这仅适用于整个层次结构;因此,如果要将/api/request1 ... /api/request100拆分为十个文件,则可能要使用第一种方法,或者重新考虑层次结构的工作方式。)

是的,您应该与模块尽可能保持隔离,因为我看到您已经开始学习express do checkout express-generator模块,该模块为您提供一个不错的小型样板代码,在构造大型项目时也要从中开始列出Blog best-practices-express-结构以进行高级使用

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