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[英]leiningen: How do I turn off ssl verification?

I'm a first-time leiningen user on Windows. 我是Windows上的第一次leiningen用户。 When I run lein run I get the following error: 当我运行lein run ,出现以下错误:

C:\Users\me\clojure-app>lein run
Could not transfer artifact org.clojure:clojure:pom:1.7.0 from/to central (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/): sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Could not transfer artifact org.clojure:tools.nrepl:pom:0.2.10 from/to central (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/): sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Could not transfer artifact clojure-complete:clojure-complete:pom:0.2.3 from/to central (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/): sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
This could be due to a typo in :dependencies or network issues.
If you are behind a proxy, try setting the 'http_proxy' environment variable.

My http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables are indeed set properly. 我的http_proxyhttps_proxy环境变量确实设置正确。

I'm behind a corporate firewall that re-signs web traffic with its own SSL certificates, which I suspected could be the root of my issues. 我在公司防火墙后面,该公司防火墙使用自己的SSL证书重新签署网络流量,我怀疑这可能是问题的根源。 However, I set my HTTP_CLIENT environment variable to: 但是,我将HTTP_CLIENT环境变量设置为:

curl --insecure -f -L -o

...to avoid SSL verification (as suggested by this note in the installation help ) but that did not change the error message. ...以避免SSL验证(如安装帮助中此注释所建议),但这并没有更改错误消息。

So, my root question, I suppose is: what steps must a user take to get lein run to successfully bring down dependencies on a Windows machine that is behind a corporate firewall that re-signs SSL traffic? 因此,我的根本问题是,我想:用户必须采取什么步骤来lein run才能成功降低对重新签名SSL流量的公司防火墙背后的Windows计算机的依赖性? :o) :O)

Here are some options in inverse order of crazyness (least crazy first) 以下是一些与疯狂相反的选项(从最低疯狂开始)

  • Add you companies proxy to your trust store, and don't do anything special in Leiningen that you will have to remember to do again the next time you change projects or computers. 将您的公司代理添加到您的信任库中,在Leiningen中不必做任何特别的事情,下次更改项目或计算机时,您必须记住要再次做。 You may also need to add it to the Java JVM's certificate store in addition to the systems (this is very likely your problem) 除了系统之外,您可能还需要将其添加到Java JVM的证书存储中(这很可能是您的问题)
  • Add you companies proxy certificate to the project's project.clj's :certificate section This way if the certificate needs to be changed than only one person needs to change it and the whole team will get the benefit. 将您的公司代理证书添加到项目的project.clj的:certificate部分这样,如果需要更改证书,而不是只有一个人需要更改证书,整个团队都将受益。
  • Many companies have an internal caching maven proxy such as Nexus that will automatically fetch and cache dependencies and then make them quickly available to people inside the network. 许多公司都有内部缓存Maven代理(例如Nexus) ,该代理将自动获取和缓存依赖项,然后将其快速提供给网络内部的人员。 Find out if you have one of these by asking around or looking in .pom file on Java projects for the config. 通过在Java项目中四处查询或在.pom文件中查找配置来查找是否具有其中之一。
  • Go home, or to a local coffee shop, download the dependencies, and then come back to the office. 回家,或去当地的咖啡店,下载依赖项,然后回到办公室。 A walk and some fresh air is always good after dealing with TLS certs anyway. 无论如何,与TLS证书打交道后,散步和呼吸新鲜空气总是好事。
  • Download the file manually, with your browser and put them in the .m2 directory yourself. 使用浏览器手动下载文件,然后将其自己放在.m2目录中。

I'm really trying to not be snooty, by omitting an answer to your actual question. 我实际上是在通过避免回答您的实际问题来尽量不要打sn。 I do realize that there is not an option to disable security on this list. 我的确意识到此列表上没有禁用安全性的选项。 That's on purpose because one of there options will surely work and will make your life much better for knowing how to use these. 这是有意为之的,因为其中一种选择肯定会起作用,并且会使您的生活变得更好,因为他们知道如何使用它们。 If it still comes across as pretentious then please accept my most sincere apology along with the answer. 如果仍然显得自命不凡,那么请接受我最真诚的道歉以及答案。

To elaborate on Arthur's answer and save a trip to google for the command: To add the certificate to the JRE's truststore, use this keytool command: 要详细说明Arthur的答案并保存以下命令的Google之旅:要将证书添加到JRE的信任库中,请使用以下keytool命令:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -file CompanyMitmProxyCertificate.crt -alias ZScaler -keystore cacerts

Where: "CompanyMitmProxyCertificate.crt" is the certificate for your company's man-in-the-middle-attack cert and 'cacerts' is the keystore for your jre located under "\\lib\\security". 其中:“ CompanyMitmProxyCertificate.crt”是贵公司的中间人攻击证书的证书,“ cacerts”是jre的密钥库,位于“ \\ lib \\ security”下。 The default password for the keystore is 'changeit'. 密钥库的默认密码为“ changeit”。

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