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[英]Checking for a string/keyword in a list

I am currently doing a piece of code for a game which needs to test whether the player's input contains one or two certain strings.我目前正在为一个游戏编写一段代码,该代码需要测试玩家的输入是否包含一个或两个特定的字符串。 I have tried to make sense of a few explanations but they don't talk about exactly what I need and are quite technical.我试图理解一些解释,但他们并没有确切地谈论我需要什么并且非常技术性。

So far I have used .split() to put the input into a list and then used if keyword0 and keyword1 in list: (as I was hoping to make it so two keywords were required) to provoke a response.到目前为止,我已经使用.split()将输入放入列表中,然后使用if keyword0 and keyword1 in list:因为我希望这样做,因此需要两个关键字)来引发响应。 I think this plan may be flawed so could someone suggest a built-in function or general idea that could be used in some way to achieve this?我认为这个计划可能有缺陷,所以有人可以提出一个可以以某种方式用于实现这一目标的内置功能或一般想法吗?

The code if keyword0 and keyword1 in list: syntax is doing what you want.代码if keyword0 and keyword1 in list:语法正在执行您想要的操作。 It is checking condition if keyword0 and keyword1 in list .它正在检查条件if keyword0keyword1 in list if keyword0 returns true if keyword0 is not None or not empty string. if keyword0不是None或不是空字符串, if keyword0返回true。

if keyword0 in list and keyword1 in list:
    # do your work


if all(key in list for key in [keyword0, keyword1]):
    # do your work

You can't use你不能用

if keyword0 and keyword1 in list:

As it effectively evaluates to由于它有效地评估为

if (keyword0) and (keyword1 in list):

Evaluating keyword0 as a boolean.keyword0评估为布尔值。 Instead, try:相反,请尝试:

if keyword0 in list and keyword1 in list:

Note though if you're using .split() , then your string tokens will include things like punctuation which may not be what you want.请注意,如果您使用.split() ,那么您的字符串标记将包含标点符号之类的内容,这可能不是您想要的。 For example例如

>>> items = 'Hello, World!'.split()
>>> items
['Hello,', 'World!']
>>> 'Hello' in items
>>> 'Hello,' in items

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