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[英]How to concatenate 2 np.ndarray's?

I use openCV to generate a contour that looks like this: 我使用openCV生成看起来像这样的轮廓:

array([[[227, 762]],

       [[228, 762]],

       [[229, 763]],

       [[228, 764]],

       [[229, 765]],

       [[228, 766]],

       [[227, 766]],

       [[228, 766]],

       [[229, 765]],

       [[228, 764]],

       [[229, 763]],

       [[229, 762]]], dtype=int32)

This contour has type np.ndarray 该轮廓的类型为np.ndarray

When I check cnt.shape, I get (12,1,2), indicating that this is more complex than a simple 12 x 2 matrix. 当我检查cnt.shape时,得到(12,1,2),表明它比简单的12 x 2矩阵复杂。

This means that when I try: 这意味着当我尝试:

In [104]: new = np.array([1,2])

In [105]: type(new)
Out[105]: numpy.ndarray

In [106]: X = np.vstack((ex,new))
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-106-5ceb3fcd9619> in <module>()
----> 1 X = np.vstack((ex,new))

/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/numpy/core/shape_base.pyc in vstack(tup)
    227     """
--> 228     return _nx.concatenate([atleast_2d(_m) for _m in tup], 0)
    230 def hstack(tup):

ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions

You can see that new and ex are both of the same type and I was hoping that they both have 2 columns and thus I can stack them vertically, but alas, no.... How can I do this? 您可以看到new和ex都是相同的类型,我希望它们都具有2列,因此我可以垂直堆叠它们,但是,a,不,...我该怎么做?

To convert it to 12x2, simply: 要将其转换为12x2,只需:

yourarray.reshape(12, 2)

That gets me: 那让我:

array([[227, 762],
       [228, 762],
       [229, 763],
       [228, 764],
       [229, 765],
       [228, 766],
       [227, 766],
       [228, 766],
       [229, 765],
       [228, 764],
       [229, 763],
       [229, 762]])

I recommend a brief readthrough of numpy's array methods - there are lots of potentially useful stuff. 我建议对numpy的array方法做一个简单的通读-有很多潜在有用的东西。

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