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[英]kafka-python consumer not receiving messages

I am having trouble with KafaConsumer to make it read from the beginning, or from any other explicit offset.我在使用KafaConsumer使其从头或任何其他显式偏移读取时遇到问题。

Running the command line tools for the consumer for the same topic, I do see messages with the --from-beginning option and it hangs otherwise针对同一主题为消费者运行命令行工具,我确实看到了带有--from-beginning选项的消息,否则它会挂起

$ ./kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper {localhost:port} --topic {topic_name} --from-beginning

If I run it through python, it hangs, which I suspect to be caused by incorrect consumer configs如果我通过 python 运行它,它会挂起,我怀疑这是由不正确的消费者配置引起的

consumer = KafkaConsumer(topic_name,

print "Consuming messages from the given topic"
for message in consumer:
    print "Message", message
    if message is not None:
        print message.offset, message.value

print "Quit"

Output: Output:

Consuming messages from the given topic (hangs after that)使用给定主题的消息(之后挂起)

I am using kafka-python 0.9.5 and the broker runs kafka 8.2.我正在使用 kafka-python 0.9.5,代理运行 kafka 8.2。 Not sure what the exact problem is.不确定确切的问题是什么。

Set _group_id=None_ as suggested by dpkp to emulate the behavior of console consumer.按照 dpkp 的建议设置 _group_id=None_ 以模拟控制台消费者的行为。

The difference between the console-consumer and the python consumer code you have posted is the python consumer uses a consumer group to save offsets: group_id="test-consumer-group" .控制台消费者和您发布的 python 消费者代码之间的区别在于 python 消费者使用消费者组来保存偏移量: group_id="test-consumer-group" If instead you set group_id=None, you should see the same behavior as the console consumer.相反,如果您设置 group_id=None,您应该看到与控制台使用者相同的行为。

auto_offset_reset='earliest' 为我解决了这个问题。


I ran into the same problem: I can recieve in kafka console but can't get message with python script using package kafka-python .我遇到了同样的问题:我可以在 kafka 控制台中接收,但无法使用包kafka-python使用 python 脚本获取消息。

Finally I figure the reason is that I didn't call producer.flush() and producer.close() in my producer.py which is not mentioned in its documentation .最后我认为原因是我没有在我的producer.py调用producer.flush()producer.close() ,这在其文档中没有提到。

My take is: to print and ensure offset is what you expect it to be.我的看法是:打印并确保偏移量符合您的预期。 By using position() and seek_to_beginning() , please see comments in the code.通过使用position()seek_to_beginning() ,请查看代码中的注释。

I can't explain:我无法解释:

  1. Why after instantiating KafkaConsumer , the partitions are not assigned, is this by design?为什么在实例化KafkaConsumer后没有分配分区,这是设计KafkaConsumer吗? Hack around is to call poll() once before seek_to_beginning() Hack around 是在seek_to_beginning()之前调用poll() seek_to_beginning()
  2. Why sometimes after seek_to_beginning() , first call to poll() returns no data and doesnt change the offset.为什么有时在seek_to_beginning() ,首先调用poll()不返回数据并且不更改偏移量。


import kafka
from kafka import KafkaProducer, KafkaConsumer
from time import sleep
KAFKA_URL = 'localhost:9092' # kafka broker
KAFKA_TOPIC = 'sida3_sdtest_topic' # topic name

# ASSUMING THAT the topic exist

# write to the topic
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=[KAFKA_URL])
for i in range(20):
    producer.send(KAFKA_TOPIC, ('msg' + str(i)).encode() )

# read from the topic
# auto_offset_reset='earliest', # auto_offset_reset is needed when offset is not found, it's NOT what we need here
consumer = KafkaConsumer(KAFKA_TOPIC,

# (!?) wtf, why we need this to get partitions assigned
# AssertionError: No partitions are currently assigned if poll() is not called

# also AssertionError: No partitions are currently assigned if poll() is not called
print('partitions of the topic: ',consumer.partitions_for_topic(KAFKA_TOPIC))

from kafka import TopicPartition
print('before poll() x2: ')
print(consumer.position(TopicPartition(KAFKA_TOPIC, 0)))
print(consumer.position(TopicPartition(KAFKA_TOPIC, 1)))

# (!?) sometimes the first call to poll() returns nothing and doesnt change the offset
messages = consumer.poll()
messages = consumer.poll()

print('after poll() x2: ')
print(consumer.position(TopicPartition(KAFKA_TOPIC, 0)))
print(consumer.position(TopicPartition(KAFKA_TOPIC, 1)))

print('messages: ', messages)

Output :输出

partitions of the topic:  {0, 1}
before poll() x2: 
after poll() x2: 
messages:  {TopicPartition(topic='sida3_sdtest_topic', partition=1): [ConsumerRecord(topic='sida3_sdtest_topic', partition=1, offset=0, timestamp=1600335075864, timestamp_type=0, key=None, value=b'msg0', headers=[], checksum=None, serialized_key_size=-1, serialized_value_size=4, serialized_header_size=-1), ConsumerRecord(topic='sida3_sdtest_topic', partition=1, offset=1, timestamp=1600335075864, timestamp_type=0, key=None, value=b'msg1', headers=[], checksum=None, serialized_key_size=-1, serialized_value_size=4, serialized_header_size=-1)]}

I faced the same issue before, so I ran kafka-topics locally at the machine running the code to test and I got UnknownHostException.我之前遇到过同样的问题,所以我在运行代码的机器上本地运行 kafka-topics 进行测试,我得到了 UnknownHostException。 I added the IP and the host name in hosts file and it worked fine in both kafka-topics and the code.我在hosts文件中添加了 IP 和主机名,它在 kafka-topics 和代码中都运行良好。 It seems that KafkaConsumer was trying to fetch the messages but failed without raising any exceptions.似乎KafkaConsumer试图获取消息但没有引发任何异常就失败了。

For me, I had to specify the router's IP in the kafka PLAINTEXT configuration.对我来说,我必须在 kafka PLAINTEXT 配置中指定路由器的 IP。

Get the router's IP with:使用以下命令获取路由器的 IP:

echo $(ifconfig | grep -E "([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | grep -v | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -f2 -d: | head -n1)

and then add PLAINTEXT_HOST://<touter_ip>:9092 to the kafka advertised listeners.然后将PLAINTEXT_HOST://<touter_ip>:9092添加到 kafka 通告的侦听器中。 In case of a confluent docker service the configuration is as follows:如果是 docker 服务,配置如下:

    image: confluentinc/cp-kafka:7.0.1
    container_name: kafka
      - zookeeper
      - 9092:9092
      - 29092:29092
      - KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=zookeeper:2181

and finally the python consumer is:最后 python 消费者是:

from kafka import KafkaConsumer
from json import loads

consumer = KafkaConsumer(
    auto_offset_reset = 'earliest',

for msg in consumer:

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