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[英]JS semicolon removes 'Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier' error why?

My code is this: 我的代码是这样的:

message.labels.forEach(/…/) container.data.push(message);

It throws Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier When I add a semicolon after the forEach function it doesn't throw it anymore. 它抛出Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier当我在forEach函数后添加分号时,它不再抛出。 I only change the semicolon there, I checked it with my git. 我只在那里更改分号,我用git检查了它。

Why does it do it? 为什么这样做呢? Feels like I'm missing some JS fundamentals here. 感觉就像我在这里缺少一些JS基础知识。

The semi-colon ends a statement . 分号结束一个声明

If you leave it out, then your two statements are treated as a single one, it doesn't make any sense and the compiler throw an error. 如果不加说明,则将您的两个语句视为一个语句,这没有任何意义,并且编译器将引发错误。

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