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[英]Get SUM of two fields in 2 different related tables

I'd like to get the SUM of the amount column in two related tables. 我想获取两个相关表中的“ amount列的总和。

Invoices Table: 发票表:

| id  | student_id  | created | updated |
|  5  |     25      | date    | date    |

Invoice Items Table: 发票项目表:

| id  | invoice_id  | amount |
|  1  |     5       | 250    |
|  2  |     5       | 100    |
|  3  |     5       | 40     |

Payments Table: 付款表:

| id  | invoice_id  | amount |
|  1  |     5       | 100    |
|  2  |     5       | 290    |

Desired Output: 所需输出:

| id  | invoiceTotal  | paymentTotal |
|  1  |     390       |    390       |

The query I've tried 我尝试过的查询

    sum(ii.amount) as invoiceTotal,
    sum(p.amount) as paymentTotal
    invoices i
    invoice_items ii ON i.id = ii.invoice_id
    payments p ON i.id = p.invoice_id
    i.student_id = '25'

What this seems to do is calculate the sum of the payments properly but the invoice_items.amount appears to have been duplicated by 6 (which is the number of payments there are). 这似乎是在正确计算付款总和,但是invoice_items.amount似乎已被6重复(这是payments的数量)。

I have read similar questions on SO here and here but the examples are so much more complex than what I'm trying to do and I can't figure out what to put where. 我在这里这里都读过类似的问题,但示例比我要尝试的要复杂得多,我无法弄清楚该放在哪里。

The join causes a problem with cartesian products. 联接导致笛卡尔积的问题。 If a student has multiple invoice items and payments, then the totals will be wrong. 如果学生有多个发票项目和付款,则总数将是错误的。

One approach that works best for all invoices is a union all / group by approach: 一种方法最适合所有发票是union all / group by的方法:

select i.id, sum(invoiceTotal) as invoiceTotal, sum(paymentTotal) as paymentTotal
from ((select i.id, 0 as invoiceTotal, 0 as paymentTotal
       from invoices i
      ) union all
      (select ii.invoiceId, sum(ii.amount) as invoiceTotal, NULL
       from invoiceitems ii
       group by ii.invoiceId
      ) union all
      (select p.invoiceId, 0, sum(p.amount) as paymentTotal
       from payments p
       group by p.invoiceId
     ) iip
group by id;

For a single student, I would recommend correlated subqueries: 对于一个学生,我建议相关的子查询:

select i.id,
       (select sum(ii.amount)
        from invoiceitems ii
        where ii.invoiceid = i.id
       ) as totalAmount,
       (select sum(p.amount)
        from payment p
        where p.invoiceid = i.id
       ) as paymentAmount
from invoices i
where i.studentid = 25;

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