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[英]Environment variable and docker-compose

When running a number of linked services with docker-compose up , how can I add values for environment variables to be passed to specific containers for services? 使用docker-compose up运行多个链接服务docker-compose up ,如何为要传递给服务的特定容器的环境变量添加值? Say I have a service "webapp" which uses the TIMEOUT environment variable, how do I set TIMEOUT=10000 with docker-compose for the container that "webapp" lives in? 假设我有一个使用TIMEOUT环境变量的服务“webapp”,如何使用docker-compose为“webapp”所在的容器设置TIMEOUT = 10000? I have tried the notation -e TIMEOUT=10000 from the docker command, but this does not seem to work. 我在docker命令中尝试了符号-e TIMEOUT=10000 ,但这似乎不起作用。

with docker compose your have to specify environment variables in docker-compose.yml with env_file or environment configuration commands 使用docker compose你必须使用env_fileenvironment配置命令在env_file docker-compose.yml指定环境变量

https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#env-file https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#environment https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#env-file https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#environment

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