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[英]Find minimum height of div with changing content so that page below doesn't jump around

I have a testimonial section of a webpage that I'm developing and it will simply cycle through a number of different testimonial comments using jQuery fadeIn() & fadeOut() 我有一个正在开发的网页的推荐部分,它会使用jQuery fadeIn()fadeOut()循环浏览许多不同的推荐注释

If I don't dictate the height of the section to a set height then the height will change according to the length of the testimonial comment and the rest of the page below will jump around. 如果我未将部分的高度指定为设置的高度,则该高度将根据推荐评论的长度而变化,下面的其余页面将跳来跳去。

As I am creating this site using Wagtail (Django based CMS) and so I want to be able to automate calculating the appropriate sized section height according to the longest testimonial comment. 当我使用Wagtail(基于Django的CMS)创建此站点时,因此我希望能够根据最长的推荐注释自动计算适当大小的截面高度。

Here is the code that I have so far: 这是我到目前为止的代码:


<section class="bg-primary testimonial-wrapper" id="testimonials">
          <div class="container">
            <div class="row">
              <div class="col-xs-2 col-xs-offset-2">
                <i class="fa fa-4x fa-quote-left"></i>
              <div class="col-xs-6 testimonial-wrapper">
                <div class="testimonial-item">
                  <p>Testimonial comment 1.</p>
                  <p><em>- Oliver Nicholson</em></p>
                <div class="testimonial-item">
                  <p>Another quote!</p>
                  <p><em>- Nollie Bollie</em></p>

jQuery/JS: jQuery的/ JS:

$(document).ready(function() {

  var testimonials = $(".testimonial-item");
  var testimonialIndex = -1;

  function showNextTestimonial() {
    testimonials.eq(testimonialIndex % testimonials.length)
    .fadeOut(2000, showNextTestimonial);



Is there any way to calculate the min-height of testimonial-wrapper so that the testimonial-wrapper section is able to accommodate every comment without changing size when transitioning from one comment to the next? 有什么方法可以计算testimonial-wrappermin-height ,以便在从一个评论过渡到下一个评论时, testimonial-wrapper部分能够容纳每个评论而无需更改大小?

You can loop through the items and find the max height and then set the container to that height. 您可以遍历项目并找到最大高度,然后将容器设置为该高度。

See accepted answer here: element with the max height from a set of elements 在此处查看已接受的答案: 元素中具有最大高度的元素

working code example: 工作代码示例:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var wrapper = $('.testimonial-wrapper');
  var testimonials = $(".testimonial-item");
  //from accepted answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6060992/element-with-the-max-height-from-a-set-of-elements
  var maxHeight = Math.max.apply(null, testimonials.map(function ()
        return $(this).outerHeight();

  var testimonialIndex = -1;

  function showNextTestimonial() {
    testimonials.eq(testimonialIndex % testimonials.length)
    .fadeOut(2000, showNextTestimonial);



jsfiddle https://jsfiddle.net/dattaproffs/h3pu6y25/1/ jsfiddle https://jsfiddle.net/dattaproffs/h3pu6y25/1/

/F /F

https://jsfiddle.net/seahorsepip/jztcnoah/ https://jsfiddle.net/seahorsepip/jztcnoah/

  //Get max height
  var wrapperHeight = 0;
  testimonials.each(function() {
    wrapperHeight = $(this).outerHeight() > wrapperHeight ? $(this).outerHeight():wrapperHeight;
  //Set max height

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