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[英]C# Copy User Defined Number of Files

I am attempting to copy a set number of files from one directory to another. 我试图将一组文件从一个目录复制到另一个目录。 My code in its current state copies all files within a directory. 我的代码处于当前状态,将复制目录中的所有文件。 I believe I would need a list, or an array, but am somewhat new to C#, so wanted to bring my question here. 我相信我需要一个列表或一个数组,但是对于C#来说有些陌生,所以想在这里提出我的问题。 An example would be to copy 20 files from the directory specified in the code. 一个示例是从代码中指定的目录中复制20个文件。 Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 Thanks! 谢谢!

static void Main(string[] args)
private void CopyFiles(int numberOfFiles)
        List<string> files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Users\acars\Desktop\A", "*").ToList();
        IEnumerable<string> filesToCopy = files.Where(file => file.Contains("Test_Test")).Take(20);

        foreach (string file in filesToCopy)
            // here we set the destination string with the file name
            string destfile = @"C:\Users\acars\Desktop\B\" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file);
            // now we copy the file to that destination
            System.IO.File.Copy(file, destfile, true);

With a few modifications your code is able to copy a given number of files. 经过一些修改,您的代码就能复制给定数量的文件。 The following example takes the first x files from your directory: 以下示例从您的目录中获取前x个文件:

    private void CopyFiles(int numberOfFiles)
            List<string> files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Users\rando\Desktop\A", "*").ToList();
            IEnumerable<string> filesToCopy = files.Where(file => file.Contains("Test_Test")).Take(numberOfFiles);

            foreach (string file in filesToCopy)
                // here we set the destination string with the file name
                string destfile = @"C:\Users\rando\Desktop\B\" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file);
                // now we copy the file to that destination
                System.IO.File.Copy(file, destfile, true);

If you want the first x files according to a special order, you have to order the "files" list first. 如果要按特殊顺序订购前x个文件,则必须先订购“文件”列表。

Since you need to order by information about the file beyond the name, you'll need to use FileInfo . 由于您需要按名称以外的文件信息进行排序,因此需要使用FileInfo Here's what I believe to be a straightforward implementation that should get you started. 我认为这是一个应该让您入门的简单实现。

static void Main(string[] args)
    var desktop = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
    var path = Path.Combine(desktop, "A");
    var outPath = Path.Combine(desktop, "B");

    Copy(20, "file", path, outPath, x => x.LastWriteTimeUtc);

static void Copy<T>(int count, string filter, string inputPath, string outputPath, Func<FileInfo, T> order)
    new DirectoryInfo(inputPath).GetFiles()
        .Where(file => file.Name.Contains(filter))
        .ForEach(file => File.Copy(file.FullName, Path.Combine(outputPath, file.Name), true));

To use this, you would pass in the number to copy, the paths, a filter, and an ordering action. 要使用此功能,您需要输入要复制的数字,路径,过滤器和排序动作。

  • new DirectoryInfo(inputPath).GetFiles() - Get a FileInfo[] of every file in the specified path new DirectoryInfo(inputPath).GetFiles() -获取指定路径中每个文件的FileInfo[]
  • .OrderBy(order) - order them .OrderBy(order) -订购他们
  • .Where(file => file.Name.Contains(filter)) - filter by the passed in filter .Where(file => file.Name.Contains(filter)) -通过传入的过滤器进行过滤
  • .Take(count) - take the count .Take(count) -计数
  • .ToList() - convert to List to use ForEach .ToList() -转换为List以使用ForEach
  • .ForEach(file => File.Copy(file.FullName, Path.Combine(outputPath, file.Name), true)) - Make the File.Copy() call for each .ForEach(file => File.Copy(file.FullName, Path.Combine(outputPath, file.Name), true)) -对每个文件调用File.Copy()

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