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[英]Using ng-options for select input

I am using ng-options for select input.But it is just not populating the drop down list.I am using materialize css as css framework. 我正在使用ng-options作为select输入,但是它只是没有填充下拉列表,而是使用物化CSS作为CSS框架。

Here is my code 这是我的代码

<div class="col s6" >
    <select ng-options="bucket.id as bucket.name for bucket in buckets track by bucket.id" ng-model="new_transaction.bucket"></select>

Js Code Js代码

$scope.new_transaction = {

$scope.buckets = [

$(document).ready(function() {
    // the "href" attribute of .modal-trigger must specify the modal ID that wants to be triggered

Note :There are no errors in the console. 注意:控制台中没有错误。 And the inspect element on the dropdown element shows me 下拉元素上的inspect元素显示了我

<div class="select-wrapper">
   <span class="caret">▼</span>
    <input type="text" class="select-dropdown" readonly="true" data-activates="select-options-b1cded87-bee7-c9cd-5564-c613f7439e7a" value="">
    <ul id="select-options-b1cded87-bee7-c9cd-5564-c613f7439e7a" class="dropdown-content select-dropdown" style="width: 294px; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; opacity: 1; display: none;">
    <select ng-options="bucket.id as bucket.name for bucket in buckets track by bucket.id" ng-model="new_transaction.bucket_id" class="initialized ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid"><option value="?" selected="selected"></option>
 <option label="Bucket-1" value="1">Bucket-1</option>
 <option label="Bucket-2" value="2">Bucket-2</option></select>

you can apply 你可以申请


only when you are ready that ngOptions directive is done. 仅当您准备好ngOptions指令完成时。 the simplest and most used solutions is to put plugin init inside $timeout: 最简单,最常用的解决方案是将插件init放在$ timeout内:


You've included angular, but you haven't set it up properly to actually use it. 您已经包含了angular,但是尚未正确设置它以实际使用它。 You need to create a module, a controller and a directive for what you're trying to accomplish. 您需要为要完成的任务创建一个模块,一个控制器和一个指令。

angular.module('app', []);

angular.module('app').controller('AppController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
   $scope.new_transaction = {

   $scope.buckets = [


angular.module('app').directive('materialSelect', function() {
   return {
      restrict: 'A',
      link: function(scope, elem) {

On your body tag, include: 在您的身体标签上,包括:

<body ng-app="app">

On the container of your main content, include: 在您的主要内容的容器上,包括:

<div ng-controller="AppController">
   <!-- your other content including the select -->

Then use the materialSelect directive as an attribute like this: 然后使用materialSelect指令作为这样的属性:

<select material-select ng-options="bucket.id as bucket.name for bucket in buckets track by bucket.id" ng-model="new_transaction.bucket"></select>

If you have initialized buckets before and asynchronous request ng-options will get it empty because ng-options took buckets first time it was modified. 如果您之前已初始化存储桶 ,并且异步请求ng-options会将其清空,因为ng-options首次修改了存储桶。 For example: 例如:

$scope.buckets = [];

$http.get('/get buckets/').then(function (result) {
  $scope.buckets = result.data;

So removing $scope.buckets = []; 因此,删除$scope.buckets = []; makes ng-options wait until buckets its puplated after callback. 使ng-options等到回调后将其存储桶化。

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