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[英]Zuora Authentication Issue #code 90000011

When I call ' https://apisandbox-api.zuora.com/rest/v1/accounts ' with required apiAccessKeyId, apiSecretAccessKey and parameters, I recieve the response 当我使用所需的apiAccessKeyId,apiSecretAccessKey和参数调用' https://apisandbox-api.zuora.com/rest/v1/accounts '时,我收到响应

  "success": false,
  "reasons": [
      "code": 90000011,
      "message": "this resource is protected, please sign in first"

Not clear what is exact issue. 不清楚确切的问题是什么。

You need to call the connection api first in order to access any object in the Zuora sandbox. 您需要先调用连接api才能访问Zuora沙箱中的任何对象。

Request URL GET: https://apisandbox-api.zuora.com/rest/v1/connections 请求URL GET: https : //apisandbox-api.zuora.com/rest/v1/connections

and the response you would see: 以及您将看到的响应:

{ "success": true } {“成功”:true}

Give it a try after calling this Api. 调用此Api后,尝试一下。 It should be resolved then.Thanks. 那应该解决了。谢谢。

You need to sign in first, there is an example in the Zuora SDK using a ConnectionManager source : 您需要首先登录,在Zuora SDK中有一个使用ConnectionManager 的示例:

final ZClient Z_CLIENT = new ZClient();
final ConnectionManager cm = new ConnectionManager();
if (!cm.isConnected(Z_CLIENT, (String) ZConfig.getInstance().getVal("default.tenant.user.id"),
    (String) ZConfig.getInstance().getVal("default.tenant.password")))
throw new RuntimeException("Couln't open a connection to Zuora API !");

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