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[英]How to find all computers a user is logged into

I am trying to run a PowerShell script to find all computers a user is logged into on my domain.我正在尝试运行 PowerShell 脚本来查找用户在我的域中登录的所有计算机。 I haven't been able to get anything to work.我无法得到任何工作。 I found the following script which will run without errors, but never produces output.我发现以下脚本可以正常运行,但不会产生 output。 Any thoughts or suggestions?有什么想法或建议吗?

Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

# Retrieve Username to search for, error checks to make sure the username
# is not blank and that it exists in Active Directory

Function Get-Username {
    $Global:Username = Read-Host "Enter username you want to search for"
    if ($Username -eq $null) {
        Write-Host "Username cannot be blank, please re-enter username!"
    $UserCheck = Get-QADUser -SamAccountName $Username
    if ($UserCheck -eq $null) {
        Write-Host "Invalid username, please verify this is the logon id for the account"


$computers = Get-QADComputer | where {$_.accountisdisabled -eq $false} -searchroot '\\MyDomainName\computers'
foreach ($comp in $computers) {
    $Computer = $comp.Name
    $ping = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
    $Reply = $null
    $Reply = $ping.send($Computer)
    if($Reply.status -like 'Success') {
        #Get explorer.exe processes
        $proc = gwmi win32_process -computer $Computer -Filter "Name = 'explorer.exe'"
        #Search collection of processes for username
            ForEach ($p in $proc) {
                $temp = ($p.GetOwner()).User
                if ($temp -eq $Username) {
                write-host "$Username is logged on $Computer"

We have to login to the AD server and query the Event ID 4624 , search the user logged on history from all event list.我们必须登录到 AD 服务器并查询事件 ID 4624 ,从所有事件列表中搜索用户登录历史记录。 It display only the IP address of source computer.它只显示源计算机的 IP 地址。 There we can use the command nslookup to find out the host name.在那里我们可以使用命令nslookup来找出主机名。 To do do this process it required a well written batch file or power shell script to quickly findout the HOSTNAME.要执行此过程,它需要编写良好的批处理文件或 Power Shell 脚本来快速查找 HOSTNAME。

If you don't want to be dependent upon a proprietary Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement there is a native PowerShell solution available on PSGallery called Get-ActiveUser .如果您不想依赖专有的Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement有一个本地 PowerShell 解决方案,名为Get-ActiveUser

We can feed our list of computers to that and find any place the user is logged in to.我们可以将我们的计算机列表提供给它,并找到用户登录的任何地方。

NOTE: As others have mentioned this will take a very long time to query all the computers on your network.注意:正如其他人提到的,查询网络上的所有计算机需要很长时间。 Approximately 15 minutes per 100 PCs.每 100 台电脑大约需要 15 分钟。 Suggestions to check logs will be faster.检查日志的建议会更快。

# List-Computers-ByUser.ps1
param (
    # Search for user
    HelpMessage="If you don't pass a name you will be prompted",

    # Choose method, WMI, CIM or Query
    HelpMessage="Default set to WMI",
    $Method = "Query"

# Retrieve Username to search for, error checks to make sure the username
# is not blank and that it exists in Active Directory
Function Get-Username([String]$UserName) {
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserName)) {
        $UserName = Read-Host "Enter username you want to search for"

    $UserCheck = Get-ADUser -Identity $Username
    if ($null -eq $UserCheck) {
        Write-Debug "Invalid username, please verify this is the logon id for the account"
        $UserName = Get-Username

    return $UserName

$Script:UserName = Get-Username $UserName

Write-Host "Checking for PS Module Get-ActiveUser ..."
if (-not (Get-InstalledModule Get-ActiveUser -ErrorAction silentlycontinue)) {
    Install-Module -Name Get-ActiveUser 


Write-Host "Searching for username across all computers in domain. This will take a long time ..."
$adComputers =  Get-ADComputer  -Filter 'enabled -eq "true"' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
Measure-Command {
    $output = $adComputers | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
        $users = Get-ActiveUser -ComputerName $_ -Method $using:Method
        ForEach($activeUser in $users) {
            if($activeUser.UserName -eq $UserName) {
                Write-Output $activeUser

# Show results, all computers that user is logged in to

Tested this on Windows 2016 and worked very nice for me in powershell:在 Windows 2016 上对此进行了测试,并且在 powershell 中对我非常有用:

$computerName = "."
$wmi = [WMI] ""
get-wmiobject Win32_UserProfile -computername $computerName | foreach-object {
  $userAccount = [WMI] ("\\$computerName\root\cimv2:Win32_SID.SID='{0}'" -f $_.SID)
  $userName = "{0}\{1}" -f $userAccount.ReferencedDomainName,$userAccount.AccountName
  new-object PSObject -property @{
    "Name" = $userName
    "LastUseTime" = $wmi.ConvertToDatetime($_.LastUseTime)
    "Loaded" = $_.Loaded
} | sort-object LastUseTime -descending

I don't do any of that complicated scripting nonsense to find that information.我不会做任何复杂的脚本废话来查找该信息。 On my domain, users are mapped a P: drive to their network share user folder.在我的域中,用户将 P: 驱动器映射到他们的网络共享用户文件夹。 If you go the the share server, then open computer management > shared folders > sessions, it shows me a list of open sessions, the username and the computer that user is signed into.如果您转到共享服务器,然后打开计算机管理 > 共享文件夹 > 会话,它会向我显示打开的会话列表、用户名和用户登录的计算机。 Sort by username column, then see the multiple computers the user is signed into.按用户名列排序,然后查看用户登录的多台计算机。

Expanding on Manas' answer because it was exactly what I needed but doesn't show how to do it - and for my own future reference because it will come up again (:扩展 Manas 的答案,因为它正是我所需要的,但没有显示如何去做 - 以及我自己未来的参考,因为它会再次出现(:

  1. Login to your AD domain controller.登录到您的 AD 域 controller。
  2. Open powershell as an administrator so you have access to security logs.以管理员身份打开 powershell,以便您可以访问安全日志。
  3. If you know the username name of who you're looking for, run the following command.如果您知道要查找的用户名,请运行以下命令。 Note the use of newest to trim the results and make it faster to run, increase as needed.请注意使用newest来修剪结果并使其运行更快,根据需要增加。
Get-EventLog -LogName Security -InstanceId 4624 -Newest 9000 | 
    Where {$_.Message -Like "*<username here>*"} | 
    Select -First 1 -ExpandProperty Message

If there's a match, the log's message will have a line containing the Source Network Address which will be an ip address.如果匹配,则日志消息将有一行包含Source Network Address ,该地址将是 ip 地址。 Copy this.复制这个。

  1. With the IP address you just copied, run nslookup <ip address> to see the computer name the user logged into.使用刚刚复制的 IP 地址,运行nslookup <ip address>以查看用户登录的计算机名称。

I have various use cases where I need to know what computer someone uses while we're all working remotely and this is the most straight forward solution, just thought it'd be nice to have it spelled out somewhere.我有各种用例,当我们都在远程工作时,我需要知道某人使用什么计算机,这是最直接的解决方案,只是认为在某个地方说明它会很好。 In our case, people have remote access to a single computer so I don't need to produce a comprehensive list of all logon events.在我们的例子中,人们可以远程访问一台计算机,因此我不需要生成所有登录事件的完整列表。

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