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Unity3D Android视觉工件

[英]Unity3D Android visual artifacts

Since a while ago I started having some artifacts on some android devices. 从前一段时间以来,我开始在某些android设备上出现一些工件。 I have checked build settings, I was disabling code stripping and setting all options to the default ones - nothing worked out. 我已经检查了构建设置,禁用了代码剥离功能,并将所有选项设置为默认选项-没有任何结果。 This visual interference (see screenshot) happens at least in Note II and HTC One Mini/2. 这种视觉干扰(请参阅屏幕截图)至少发生在Note II和HTC One Mini / 2中。 Nexus 5 exhibited very minor interferences. Nexus 5的干扰很小。 Any help would be highly appreciated! 任何帮助将不胜感激!

Picture here 图片在这里

Well, that was quite obvious, I just needed to turn on my brain, lol. 好吧,这很明显,我只需要打开我的大脑,哈哈。 So, if you're having issues with rendering like I was - try to check your main camera . 因此,如果您像我以前那样在渲染方面遇到问题,请尝试检查主相机 And especially be careful with Clear Flags property. 尤其要注意Clear Flags属性。 Personally, I have faced with a situation when some of my background layers (which have SpriteRenderers on) were switching their alpha values. 就个人而言,我遇到了一些背景层(启用了SpriteRenderer的情况)切换其Alpha值的情况。 At that point camera would "see" through the layers. 届时,相机将“透视”图层。 And that is the problem if you have "Don't Clear" value in "Clear Flags" property. 如果您在“清除标志”属性中具有“不清除”值,那就是问题所在。

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

which Unity version are you using? 您正在使用哪个Unity版本? Can you make sure to use ETC1 compression (+alpha if needed) and try again on those devices? 您是否可以确保使用ETC1压缩(如果需要,可以使用+ alpha)并在这些设备上重试?

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