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[英]Radio input onclick function won't run

I know the pictures don't show up, but that's not the issue. 我知道图片没有显示,但这不是问题。 The text after the inputs won't show because the function won't restart. 输入后的文本将不会显示,因为该功能不会重新启动。 Do radio buttons support onclick? 单选按钮是否支持onclick? Thanks for the help! 谢谢您的帮助! I am now adding this text because the site won't let me post this question unless I add more text. 我现在要添加此文本,因为除非添加更多文本,否则该网站将不允许我发布此问题。 Sorry. 抱歉。

 var gameContainer = document.getElementById("game-container"); var speechBox = document.createElement("DIV"); speechBox.id = "speech-box"; var speechP = document.createElement("P"); speechP.id = "speech-p" var speech = document.createTextNode(""); var speechNum = 0; var text = true; function startGame() { var startButton = document.getElementById("start-button"); gameContainer.removeChild(startButton); //button disappears var logo = document.createElement("IMG"); logo.src = "index/src/img/logo.gif"; gameContainer.appendChild(logo); logo.id="logo"; //logo appears var sublogo = document.createElement("P"); var sublogoText = document.createTextNode("Yellow Diamond Version"); sublogo.appendChild(sublogoText); gameContainer.appendChild(sublogo); sublogo.id="sub-logo"; var sublogoImg = document.createElement("IMG"); sublogoImg.src = "index/src/img/yellowDiamondFace.png" gameContainer.appendChild(sublogoImg); sublogoImg.id = "sub-logo-img"; setTimeout(preLogoFade,3000); function preLogoFade() { var logoOpacity = .9; var logoInterval = setInterval(function(){LogoFade()},100); function LogoFade() { logo.style.opacity=logoOpacity; sublogo.style.opacity=logoOpacity; sublogoImg.style.opacity=logoOpacity; logoOpacity-=.1; if(logoOpacity<=0){ gameContainer.removeChild(logo); gameContainer.removeChild(sublogo); gameContainer.removeChild(sublogoImg); clearInterval(logoInterval); setTimeout(mainMenu,200); } } //LogoFade Func End } //preLogoFade Func End } //startGame Func End function mainMenu() { var mainMenuBox = document.createElement("DIV"); mainMenuBox.id = "main-menu-box"; var mainMenuBoxNew = document.createElement("P"); mainMenuBoxNew.className = "main-menu-box-p"; mainMenuBoxNew.innerHTML = "New Game"; var mainMenuBoxNewPic = document.createElement("IMG"); mainMenuBoxNewPic.className = "main-menu-box-pic"; mainMenuBoxNewPic.src = "index/src/img/red.gif" mainMenuBoxNew.appendChild(mainMenuBoxNewPic); mainMenuBoxNew.onmouseenter = function(){mainMenuBoxNewPic.src = "index/src/img/redAnimated.gif";} mainMenuBoxNew.onmouseleave = function(){mainMenuBoxNewPic.src = "index/src/img/red.gif";} mainMenuBoxNew.onclick = function(){mainMenuNewFunc();} function mainMenuNewFunc() { gameContainer.removeChild(mainMenuBox); preProfessorOpen(); } var mainMenuBoxSave = document.createElement("P"); mainMenuBoxSave.className = "main-menu-box-p"; mainMenuBoxSave.innerHTML = "Save Code"; var mainMenuBoxSavePic = document.createElement("IMG"); mainMenuBoxSavePic.className = "main-menu-box-pic"; mainMenuBoxSavePic.src = "index/src/img/binary.jpg"; mainMenuBoxSave.appendChild(mainMenuBoxSavePic); mainMenuBoxSave.onmouseenter = function(){mainMenuBoxSavePic.src = "index/src/img/binaryAnimated.gif";} mainMenuBoxSave.onmouseleave = function(){mainMenuBoxSavePic.src = "index/src/img/binary.jpg";} var mainMenuBoxCheat = document.createElement("P"); mainMenuBoxCheat.className = "main-menu-box-p"; mainMenuBoxCheat.innerHTML = "Cheat Code"; var mainMenuBoxCheatPic = document.createElement("IMG"); mainMenuBoxCheatPic.className = "main-menu-box-pic"; mainMenuBoxCheatPic.src = "index/src/img/cheatCode.jpg"; mainMenuBoxCheat.appendChild(mainMenuBoxCheatPic); mainMenuBoxCheat.onmouseenter = function(){mainMenuBoxCheatPic.src = "index/src/img/cheatCodeAnimated.gif";} mainMenuBoxCheat.onmouseleave = function(){mainMenuBoxCheatPic.src = "index/src/img/cheatCode.jpg";} gameContainer.appendChild(mainMenuBox); mainMenuBox.appendChild(mainMenuBoxNew); mainMenuBox.appendChild(mainMenuBoxSave); mainMenuBox.appendChild(mainMenuBoxCheat); } function preProfessorOpen() { document.body.style.backgroundImage = "url(index/src/img/professor.png)"; gameContainer.appendChild(speechBox); speechBox.appendChild(speechP); speechP.innerHTML = "Welcome to the world of Pok&eacute;mon, clod!"; speechBox.onclick = function(){professorOpen();} function professorOpen() { speechNum++; switch(speechNum) { case 1: speech = "I am Yellow Diamond &ndash; reduced to introducing Pok&eacute;mon Spin-Offs."; break; case 2: speech = "This world of clods is widely inhabited by creatures known as Pok&eacute;mon."; break; case 3: speech = "These mysterious creature can be found in every corner of this world..."; break; case 4: speech = "Some run across the plains, others fly through the skies, and others yet swim deep in the oceans..."; break; case 5: speech = "Clods live together with these Pok&eacute;mon, lending their little strength to one another to live and prosper."; break; case 6: speech = "Let's get started with some quick questions...<br>Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?<br>(Probably a boy if Alex shared this with you.)"; break; case 7: speechBox.onclick = "" speechBox.innerHTML = '<br> \\ <input type="radio" class="gender-inpt" id="male" name="gender"> \\ <label for="male" class="gender-lbl" id="male-lbl">Boy</label> \\ <br> \\ <input type="radio" class="gender-inpt" id="female" name="gender"> \\ <label for="female" class="gender-lbl" id="female-lbl">Girl</label>' document.getElementsByClassName("gender-inpt").onclick = function(){genderFunc();} document.getElementsByClassName("gender-lbl").onclick = function(){genderFunc();} function genderFunc() { window.inptM = document.getElementById("male"); professorOpen(); } break; case 8: speechBox.onclick = function(){professorOpen();} speechBox.innerHTML = ""; speechBox.appendChild(speechP); if(inptM.checked) {gender="boy";} else {gender="girl";} speech = "So, you're a " + gender + "?"; } if(text){speechP.innerHTML = speech;}; text = true; } //professOpen Func End } //preProfessOpen Func End 
 body { background-color:black; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:300px 700px; background-position:center top; } #game-container{ width:800px; height:700px; border:1px solid white; margin:0 auto; overflow:hidden; padding:0; } #start-button{ width:100px; height:40px; position:relative; top:330px; left:350px; background-color:red; border:1px solid white; border-bottom-width:2px; border-top-width:0px; font-size:125%; cursor:pointer; } #start-button:hover{ color:white; } #logo{ width:100%; height:300px; position:relative; z-index:3; } #sub-logo{ text-shadow: 1px 0 5px white, -1px 0 5px white, 0 1px 5px white, 0 -1px 5px white; color:#FEFF00; text-align:center; font-size:50px; position:relative; bottom:70px; left:15px; z-index:2; } #sub-logo-img{ width:550px; height:405px; margin:auto; position:relative; left:140px; bottom:170px; z-index:1; } #main-menu-box{ width:200px; margin:0 auto; border:1px solid #444444; border-radius:4px; position:relative; top:300px; cursor:pointer; } .main-menu-box-p{ border-radius:4px; background-color:#EEEEEE; border:1px solid #666666; padding-left:20px; padding-top:3px; margin:0; margin-bottom:1px; } #speech-box{ width:60%; height:100px; background-color:white; color:black; font-size:125%; border:1px solid #999999; border-radius:20px; margin:0 auto; padding:0 10px; opacity:.8; position:relative; bottom:10px; top:600px; cursor:pointer; -webkit-touch-callout:none; -webkit-user-select:none; -khtml-user-select:none; -moz-user-select:none; -ms-user-select:none; user-select:none; } .main-menu-box-pic{ width:20px; height:20px; float:right; position:relative; bottom:3px; } .gender-inpt{ float:left; margin-right:10px; } #male-lbl{color:#0000FF;} #female-lbl{color:#FF0066;} 
 <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <title>Game</title> <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> <meta name="author" content="Some Nerd."> <link rel="icon" href="http://pokeadventuretime.blogspot.com.br/favicon.ico"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="index/src/style.css"> </head> <body> <div id="game-container"> <button id="start-button" onclick="startGame()">Start</button> </div> <script src="index/src/src.js"></script> </body> </html> 

Few things here. 这里的东西很少。 First of all, getElementsByClassName returns an array-like object, so it's basically a list of all the elements it found with that class. 首先, getElementsByClassName返回一个类似数组的对象,因此它基本上是该类找到的所有元素的列表。 If you want to set an onclick , you need to pick a specific element or you will just be trying to set an onclick on the list which does nothing. 如果要设置onclick ,则需要选择一个特定的元素,否则,您将尝试在不执行任何操作的列表上设置onclick

Secondly, you already have a the code which you want executed upon click wrapped up in a function ( genderFunc ) so there's no need to wrap it up again. 其次,您已经有了要在单击时执行的代码,该代码包装在一个函数( genderFunc )中,因此无需再次包装它。 so what you want to do here is: 所以您要在这里做的是:

var inputList = document.getElementsByClassName("gender-inpt")

for( var i = 0; i< inputList.length; i++){
   inputList[i].onclick = genderFunc;

Alternately, you're already generating the html for the radio buttons dynamically so you could just set the onclick there: 或者,您已经在为单选按钮动态生成HTML,因此您可以在此处设置onclick:

 speechBox.innerHTML = '
<br> \
<input type="radio" class="gender-inpt" id="male" name="gender" onclick "genderFunc"> \
<label for="male" class="gender-lbl" id="male-lbl">Boy</label> \
<br> \
<input type="radio" class="gender-inpt" id="female" name="gender" onclick "genderFunc"> \
<label for="female" class="gender-lbl" id="female-lbl">Girl</label>'

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