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[英]When enumerating a list of tuples I get TypeError: 'type' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

The script below reads a CSV file and creates a list of tuples called people . 下面的脚本读取CSV文件,并创建一个名为people的元组列表。 The tuple is the patron_id (a unique string identifier) and a dictionary of person information. 元组是patron_id (唯一的字符串标识符)和person信息字典。

For a sample of data (simplified with name info removed) looking like this: 对于如下所示的数据示例(简化了名称信息):

patron_id    show_id
1111MAIN       MW1
2222SCOTT      MW2
1111MAIN       MW1

The script should output a list of tuples, that looks like this: 该脚本应输出一个元组列表,如下所示:

[ ("1111MAIN", {'patron_id': "1111MAIN", 'show_list': ["MW1", "MW2"]}), ("2222SCOTT", {'patron_id': "2222SCOTT", 'show_list': ["MW2"]}) ]

The script raises the following error in traceback: 该脚本在回溯中引发以下错误:

File "frequency.py", line 75, in <module> main("input.csv") File "frequency.py", line 35, in main person_index = [x for x, y in enumerate[people] if y[0] == patron_id]

When I test this line manually in the shell it returns the index of the tuple for which I am searching. 当我在外壳中手动测试该行时,它将返回我要搜索的元组的索引。 Why is this line failing in the script? 为什么该行在脚本中失败?

import csv

def main(filename):
    people = [] #list of person tuples
    person = {} #patron info with list of unique shows

    #open csv data
    csv_file = csv.reader(open(filename, 'rb'))

    #read and define CSV data
    for record in csv_file:
        show_list = []

        patron_id = record[0]
        first_name = record[1]
        last_name = record[2]
        show_name = record[3]

        #check if this is the first row
        if len(people) == 0:
            person = (patron_id, {'patron_id': patron_id, 'first_name': first_name, 'last_name': last_name, 'show_list': show_list})


            #if this person IS in the list of people
            if any(patron_id in person for person in people) == True:
                #retrieve this person from people by finding its index          
                person_index = [x for x, y in enumerate[people] if y[0] == patron_id][0]

You need to change enumerate[people] to enumerate(people) . 您需要将enumerate[people]更改为enumerate(people) When you use brackets, python thinks you trying to access enumerate at position people . 当您使用方括号时,python认为您尝试访问位置people enumerate Instead, you need to call it. 相反,您需要调用它。

Well, as stated in my comment, the problem is that you try to call the __getitem__ method of enumerate by using square brackets, which is bound to fail because it does not have this method. 好吧,正如我的评论中所述,问题在于您尝试使用方括号调用enumerate__getitem__方法,因为它没有此方法,所以注定会失败。 To construct an enumerate object, use parentheses. 要构造枚举对象,请使用括号。

Try to pay close attention to the error messages, often they are helpful. 尝试密切注意错误消息,它们通常是有用的。 I did not need to read your whole code to find the error. 我不需要阅读您的整个代码来查找错误。

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